Coach Gayle Hatch

For more info on Coach Hatch visit The USA men's weightlifting head coach at the 2004 Olympic Games, Hatch was inducted into the USA Strength and Conditioning Coaches Hall of Fame's inaugural 14-member class in August 2003, along with Baton Rouge's...

Dr. James Andrews

Dr. Andrews is Mr. Fixit when it comes to the elite athlete. He has poineered the sports medicine industry. He has worked on the likes of Michael Jordan, Jack Nicklaus, Drew Brees, Roger Clemens, Bo Jackson, and pretty much any other famous athlete you can think of...

Louisiana Baseball Academy

Guerilla Baseball Academy - Mandeville Louisiana 985-249-9508 Contact Guerilla Baseball Request a Membership Today! View Larger Map Brent Pourciau Pitching/Throwing Instructor Covington Louisiana, Mandeville Louisiana, Abita Springs Louisiana, Hammond Louisiana,...