Video Analysis

by professionals!

The most advanced biomechanical analysis available!

Pitching/throwing video analysis is critical in developing a successful career. If you are not filming your mechanics and doing your own baseball pitching/throwing video analysis on a regular basis then you are pitching/throwing blind. Ultimately, you are your best coach because you are the one who has to coach your own body to incorporate the mechanical adjustment. No coach in the world can do this for you. The only thing a coach can do is give you all the information you need through a pitching/throwing analysis and supporting you when making those mechanical adjustments.

Requirements for a pitching/throwing video anaylsis

  1. First you need to shoot footage of yourself in a perspective that doesn’t distort your mechanics. An example would be a complete side view.
  2. Then you will need your video footage put next to video of a high velocity pitcher/position player with mechanics that you can emulate to help you make the necessary adjustments.
  3. Next you will need a professional analyzing the footage in a voice over. Preferably someone who does not use conventional wisdom to analyze the film.
  4. Last of all you need it to be affordable because you will need your footage analyzed frequently during your career.

how to submit your position player video

  1. Upload video to youtube or some cloud service.
  2. Once you have created a Patreon account send the link through the messenger.
  3. Title the subject with your name.
  4. Put the URL to the video in the messenger on Patreon and send it.

*it takes around 1-2 days for paid video analysis based on demand.


how to submit your pitching video

  1. Upload video to youtube or some cloud service.
  2. Once you have created a Patreon account send the link through the messenger.
  3. Title the subject with your name.
  4. Put the URL to the video in the messenger on Patreon and send it.

*it takes around 1-2 days for paid video analysis based on demand.

*If you have footage of you pitching/throwing from the side view and would like a PAID 3X/2X Video Analysis done for you to learn your mechanical flaws then start today by selecting the Add to Cart button below and checking out. Once you have finalized the transaction follow the steps above on how to submit your video for analysis.

An analysis will take up to a week to complete and upload.

Video Analysis

Top Velocity Pro Pitch Analytics Video Analysis is for the player who wants a deeper dive into their arsenal. When you purchase our Video Analysis we provide you with all the same great information that is provided by the Data Analysis but we do a full analysis of your pitch grips and ball release using high speed video provided by you.

Having the knowledge of the baseball release and grip gives our analytics team more information to do a more thorough breakdown. We are able to give you a deeper analysis and more detailed pitch recommendations and road to success.

nOTE: High-Speed camera footage needs to be taken directly from behind the pitcher's hand from a second base position. The video should be clear and a minimum of 480 fps.

Data and Video Analysis are available for individuals, teams, and entire facilities.

 3x/2x Video Analysis with Training

  1. Signup for a TopV Pro Patreon Membership.
  2. Post your link to the video in Patreon Messenger.
  3. You will receive an analysis with follow-up TopV training in 1-2 days.

Top Velocity Performance Center

17588 Hard Hat Dr.
Covington, LA 70433


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