This is the second velocity quick tip of the velocity quick tip series. This quick tip covers the "Tilt" and how it is a key component to pitchers like...
Pitching Tips
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Pitching Velocity Quick Tip #1
This is the first Velocity Quick Tip in hopefully a long series of FREE videos full of valuable pitching velocity information. Comprehensive...
Separation and Triple Extension
Reduce Injury Increase Velocity with Separation Generating the right level of "Separation" is critical for elevating your pitching game. So, let's dive...
Coach Hatch Instructional Videos
View Coach Hatch's Instructional Videos of the Olympic Lifts. Welcome to Coach Hatch's Instructional Videos for Olympic Weightlifting! If you're...
The 5 Components of Pitching – Separation
This Video is the first part of the 5 Components of Pitching. This set of videos is about paradigm breaking. Moving away from the Old School ways of...
The 5 Components of Pitching – Intro
This Video is the first part of the 5 Components of Pitching. This set of videos is about paradigm breaking. Moving away from the Old School ways of...