Ai 90+mph Evaluation Form – Beginner

Submit Beginner Player Evaluation

This is the evaluation form for the beginner evaluation to receive the TopV AI 90+mph report.


Instructions on how to measure each variable.
Body height in inches
Body weight in pounds
Wing span in inches
Right Shoulder Horizontal Abduction in degrees
Left Shoulder Horizontal Abduction
Right Shoulder Internal Rotation in degrees
Left Shoulder Internal Rotation in degrees
Right Shoulder External Rotation in degrees
Left Shoulder External Rotation in degrees
Right Hip Flexion in degrees
Left Hip Flexion in degrees
Right Hip Extension in degrees
Left Hip Extension in degrees
Right Trunk Rotation in degrees
Left Trunk Rotation in degrees


Instructions on how to measure each variable.
Vertical jump in inches
Broad jump in inches
Right lateral broad jump in inches
Left lateral broad jump in inches
10-yard sprint in seconds
Right Y-Balance #1 in inches
Right Y-Balance #2 in inches
Left Y-Balance #1 in inches
Left Y-Balance #2 in inches

Pitching/Throwing Velocity

Pitching/throwing velocity in miles per hour (mph).