If you haven't figured it out yet, you can't gain pitching velocity with a pill. Sorry to bust your bubble but it takes a lot of hard and smart work to develop it. If you are looking to gain 4-5 mph on your fastball then you must work to improve in all facets of...
Why waste your time and money on pitching coaches and strength and conditioning when you can get all the velocity you want in the pitching velocity pill? Do you want to know what it is like to throw 90 plus mph? Do you want to dominate every batter you face? Do you...
The online world of pitching experts have been throwing around the buzz word "Momentum Pitching" recently. This isn't anything new unless you are up to date on the breakthroughs of pitching science. Pitchers have been trying to find better ways to generate more...
There is a lot of controversy around why pitchers ice arm post game. After surgery I was very strict when it came to icing post game. I know that it isn't enough for me here to just say that, "Hey, I did it, so you should too." So, I took some time to research the web...