A popular and conventional topic of pitching mechanics is "Arm Path." This means the path the arm takes out of the glove into pitch release. Do you break your hands early or late? Do you swing the arm up or down? Do you through your elbows high or low? Do you break...
We all should know by now that long distance running is bad for pitchers (read 2009 article called Just Say NO to Long Distance Running) but now everyone needs to know how bad it really is. Yes, the study below proves that long distance running reduces the bodies...
The hardest component to conquer in the power pitching delivery is bar far the force vector. Most pitching coaches do not coach this component because they more than likely have no idea what it is. If you want to increase velocity quickly, or you need to increase...
A recent study has proven that weight training can improve flexibility as well as - or perhaps better than - typical static stretching regimens. This study was released at the American College of Sports Medicine’s 57th Annual Meeting on June 4, 2010. The study was...
All pitchers are not the same and their workloads in season are not the same either. This is why the question of what is good in season training program for pitchers will never be answered correctly in a step by step process. The best way to answer this question is by...