Why Olympic lifting baseball? Evidence suggests the Olympic Clean and its variations are considered the best training exercises to maximize muscular power and dynamic athletic performance (Kawamori, & Haff, 2004). Olympic Lifting Baseball is great for enhancing...
Although the deadlift is a great power lift and works your lower body well, when it comes to pitching the strength doesn’t always transfer. Deadlifts are good for improving the posterior chain, stabilizing the hips, and front foot strike, so it will support the...
Did you know a study shows that there is no difference between the pitching mechanics of a good little league pitcher to a professional pitcher? This makes perfect sense. All you have to do is look at the pitching mechanics of Tim Lincecum from little league to the...
Olympic Lifting blows out elbows! This is what most conventional pitching coaches believe about pitchers and olympic lifting. The problem is there is no science to support this claim. The science actually shows Olympic Lifting to protect the elbow by strengthening...
One of the biggest myths in this country, when it comes to development at the youth level for sports, is that weightlifting is bad for children. Many believe Olympic Lifting or strength training, in general, causes injury or stunts growth but there is no evidence or...