Tim Lincecum is a great example that size helps but isn't everything. Pitching is built on physics so the better you use the properties of physical to increase pitching velocity the harder you throw.
You don't need a physics degree to benefit from physics you just need to first learn some basics. You also need to a program to develop the ability for you to physically implement the properties of physics like more force production or more torque.
In this article, I will give you some basic properties of physics that Tim Lincecum uses well to throw hard at his size and I will also give you the best training program to develop the ability to implement these components.
Tim Lincecum the Science Experiment
There are two forces that add velocity to a pitch:
- Momentum
- Rotational Torque
For momentum to effectively transfer to the ball, the pitcher must use all rotational pivots in order from the bottom up. The hips must rotate before the shoulders and the shoulders before the arm internally rotates. For this to happen effectively these pivots must be free to rotate completely.
Notice the picture of Tim Lincecum at the bottom of the page (Tim Lincecum is a phenom because of his size and ability to reach his top velocity continuously.) Notice in the picture his weight is slightly leaning to his left. This would be like tilting an open door backwards so the open door slams closed due to gravitational forces. This gravitational pull is helping to create full range of motion in Tim Lincecum's hips and shoulders at front foot strike. If he or the door was tilted the opposite way then these gravitational forces would work against his momentum by decreasing full range of motion in his rotational pivots. Using the force of gravity to increase the range of motion in your hips and shoulders will have a significant effect on your velocity. This is a big reason why Tim Lincecum can throw so hard for his size. He is working with the forces of nature to generate his power.
The Bio-Mechanics of Tim Lincecum
If you study the animated image here of Tim Lincecum pitching you can see clearly the effective transfer of momentum through his rotational pivots. Watch his front leg land and his back hip rotate all the way around as his back leg triple extends. From here the momentum moves into the core because his front leg has stabilized and his weight is being held back because his back shoulder is waiting for his hips to open to the target. This forces the core to tighten because the hips are rotating before the shoulders.
His core looks like a rag being rung out or a rubber band being twisted at this point in the delivery. After this tightening of the core, the momentum travels up into the shoulders. This torque pulls the back shoulder around and he sets the fulcrum, for the rotating shoulders, with his glove hand over his front leg. The front leg continues to stabilize as his weight begins to shift over his front knee allowing the momentum to transfer into the final pivot. This is the shoulder pivot or the rotator cuff. Notice that when his trunk is fully forward, his arm is completely externally rotated. Now the arm fires like a rubber band and begins to rotate forward as also all the momentum from the body jumps into the ball like a passenger riding in a car and hitting a brick wall at 100 mph.
The Lessons to learn from Tim Lincecum
What Tim Lincecum continues to teach us is how to pitch with the entire body and that the arm is only along for the ride. This is exactly why little guys can throw so hard and old pitchers can still compete. Tim Lincecum uses gravity to aid momentum and his momentum to build torque in all of his rotational pivots. He also fires those pivots in the perfect order at the perfect time for effective momentum transfer. Everytime Tim Lincecum pitches, you should be watching because it is a lesson in Top Velocity.
The #1 BioMechanics Velocity Training Program
This program has helped tons of pitchers live the dream of throwing 90+mph and signing with a D1 University, getting drafted by a Major League Organization and making it back to Major League Baseball. Many scouts in all organizations of baseball have recommended this program to help young pitchers get to the 90+mph range to improve their value at the next level.
The reason the 3X Extreme Pitching Velocity Program works is because it is based off of science and it has been proven to develop the 90+mph fastball on thousands of pitchers. It isn't rocket science or voodoo, it is the real deal! The program comes with a high level workload of drills, lifts and exercises scientifically programmed to enhance throwing speed on the mound while developing an efficient pitching delivery. The format of the 3X Pitching Velocity Program is similar to the same approach Olympic throwers have been using for decades to increase throwing velocity. This approach isn't new to the sports world but it is new to baseball.
If you are serious about your career and are insanely driven to put yourself into an extremely small percentage of pitchers who are potential D1 prospects, top level draft picks or you just want to reach your potential on the mound then this program is the best chance you have to making your dreams come true.
Learn more about the 3X Extreme Pitching Velocity Program or get started TODAY adding 5-10+mph!
When you look at Tim Lincecum's front foot, I know it flexes to absorb the landing but why does it straighten out right as the ball is released?
That is because his weight in his upper body, mainly his core and chest, is moving over his front leg and his front leg is staying strong and stable. It is more the hips driving forward and his weight shifting over his front leg than just the straightening of his front leg. This is a good point. It is a part of my 6 components of pitching in the Ace Pitcher Handbook.
Love the Pitcher, love the Mechanics of it all… but isnt that back leg a little far away from the rubber before release? Am i missing a new rule? I am pretty sure your back foot must be in contact with the rubber until release. If so, this could hurt him if they start calling it.
Otherwise, A decent article on the science behind the pitch. (Damning GIF aside.)
No they will not call these pitching mechanics a balk.
iam a 18 year old high school student i could trow like Lincecum i have a hard trowing cutter with movement
with all due respect their is a reason Tim Linecum is called "the freak" he is a freak no normal person of his size should be throwing that hard his arm ability is pretty much god given, he has the right mechanics for him every one is different, but you can actually believe that he throws so hard purely because of his unique mechanics. i am 6'3 and throw low 90's, but i use proper mechanics that work for me that wont tear up my arm. you throw hard or you don't ,good mechanics definitely help but you have to work with what god gave you( you were born with).
With all due respect you have no place to make this argument because you have what it takes to play at the top level. Let those who do not have your talent's find a way to discover them. Not all of God's given talents are present at birth. You need to listen to the interview I did with Jim Morris, it may open your eyes http://topvelocity.net/jim-the-rookie-morris-inte…
Brent, what is the most important part of Tim Lincecums mechancis for him to throw 95+. For example would it be his triple extension or his tilt. One other thing, in my video analysis you say that I triple extend my back leg while keeping my shoulders closed and I accelarate through it to front foot, but at front foot you say my fulcrum is not set, or that my glove is flying in the air and not tucked in and you say that my elastic energy isn't built at front foot until my fulcrum is set or when my glove is tucked in to my chest and when my fulcrum does get set my shoulders are pretty much already commited to home plate. So would this mean that my separation isn't good, . I don't understand how to and what you mean by building the elastic energy right at front foot and setting the fulcrum at front foot. you said the solution to this was not staying closed off enough with the glove side in the beginnging of the delivery, you were right I was just pointing my glove into the sky during the stride instead of making the glove follow my leg during the stride,you did show me this with Tim Lincecum's glove following his leg during the stride. So I tried to fix this by video camering myself closing off with my back to the target, the glove following my leg my leg during the stride but in the end it didn't help. The same thing happened my fulcrum wasn't set, elastic energy didn't build at front foot and when my fulcrum was set my shoulders were already commited to the target and it messed with my force vector. So I need to understand what you mean by elastic energy at front foot, and setting the fulcrum at front foot and how to perform this. If my separation isn't good then how can I fix that, like would I have to pull my arm back at front foot.
You are right on track here. I wish you could make the Velocity Camp so I could make this a lot easier and show you how the Velocity Drills in the 3X Pitching Velocity Program will help solve this fulcrum problem. Basically when you are performing the med throws with separation you need to focus on driving your back hip forward with triple extension while closing your shoulders off at the same time. Your back hip should be moving forward while your back shoulder is moving backwards. The best drill to train this is the med throw sep on knee. Spend a good two weeks on this and see if you notice a difference in hip to shoulder separation and a better tuck of your glove side.
Alright Brent I will try that drill for two weeks then I will give you some feedback.
I was just talking to my dad about the camp and he said maybe the June one, but then he suggested to go In December. He can't make a decision so I wanted to make a deal, when my dad knows a good date to go can he just call you up and make an appointment any time.
Ron, you really need to be doing all of the drills in the 3X velocity system and just focusing more on the one I described above to help you with your issues.
Contact me when you have a better idea of when you can make a trip.
Brent greetings from a venezuela baseball lover living in Argentina. My question for you is this. Im 33 years old and I start playing baseball again. (Im not playing since I was 11 years old) And Im a pitcher and my arm hurts a lot when im throw hard. Can you give me some advices to improve my velocity and my arm resistance? Thanks in advance
Sorry for my poor english
If you have side video of your pitch, send it to me as a direct message through Instagram. Usually, it is a question of mechanics not arm strength. https://www.instagram.com/topvelocity