More proof that the 3X Pitching Velocity Program has more drills, lifts, and exercises that highly correlate to pitching velocity than any other program in the game. This study in particular defines the effect of using a medicine ball throw, like the med ball routine...
*WARNING: This article is not for the novice. I am not trying to insult the novice because we all are novices in something. This is a warning to inform you that this article may be too advanced for you at this time, so I would advise you to start first by signup for...
Separation-timing more accurate measurement of pitch velocity, WHAT IS THIS? Just when you thought it couldn't get any better and it does! If you know anything about 3X Pitching, you know the power of hip to shoulder separation. 3X Pitching is a comprehensive approach...
There is one "Arm Path" to pitching velocity that all high velocity pitchers take. This "Arm Path" begins not where conventional wisdom would believe, which is after hand break, but in the cocked position at front foot strike. The funky delivery here of Zach Outman is...