by Brent Pourciau | May 9, 2009 | Pitching Articles
There is a lot of controversy around why pitchers ice arm post game. After surgery I was very strict when it came to icing post game. I know that it isn't enough for me here to just say that, "Hey, I did it, so you should too." So, I took some time to research the web...
by Brent Pourciau | Jan 8, 2009 | Pitching Articles
If your Coach or Trainer has pitchers long distance running for longer than five minutes at a SLOW pace then you are training to be just that, SLOW! Muscles have a mixture of two basic types of fibers, fast twitch and slow twitch. Fast-twitch fibers are capable of...
by Brent Pourciau | Jan 7, 2009 | Pitching Articles
The most effective way to speed rest recovery pitching is with more anaerobic ATP. This can take up to three minutes to completely restore. More ATP in our system means more explosive energy in our muscles. The problem is in between innings we usually get a lot...