"Up, Down and Out," "Slow Controlled Stride," "Keep balance and land soft on front leg." How many pitching coaches and parents are regurgitating these coaching tips everyday to young pitchers? Too many to count! This poorly researched information is also plastered all...
The Cuban defector who has set the new standard of pitching velocity, with his numerous 100+ mph pitches, reveals a secret of velocity that has been proven as a significant pitching velocity component of his culture. Yes, a case study has proven why Cuban pitchers...
The entire power pitching delivery is a series of dynamic, action to reaction movements. High velocity pitchers generate more force production than low velocity pitchers, therefore, they also have more dynamic reactive movements. This is also why low velocity pitchers...
If you have spent any time on this site you have learned the importance of triple extension to building explosive power in the pitching delivery. The 3X approach to pitching velocity labels this as the 3X Factor to pitching velocity. It is the foundation of the entire...
Why Some Pitchers Throw Harder Than Others is a big question in baseball and it is a question that seems to continue to go unanswered. Determining why some pitchers throw harder than others was the basis for a study by the American Sports Medicine Institute, the...