Overuse has been considered the primary factor for most pitching injuries. Performing the same motion over and over again leads to what the strength and conditioning and medical science world calls Pattern Overload. This is when the body uses load sharing to reduce...
All pitchers are not the same and their workloads in season are not the same either. This is why the question of what is good in season training program for pitchers will never be answered correctly in a step by step process. The best way to answer this question is by...
So you need a program that is going to make you Bigger, Stronger and Faster so you can kick some ass? Well, congratulations you have found the perfect program for making this happen! The question now is do you really want to do what it takes to turn yourself into an...
The topic of Triple Extension Pitching or 3X in the pitching delivery is getting more attention. I first brought the teachings of triple extension from Olympic Lifting into the pitching world when I launched TopVelocity.net. I continue to believe that Triple...