Long Toss vs 3X Power Throws

Long Toss vs 3X Power Throws

 In the 3X Pre-Season program, the "Old School" approach of Long Tossing is replaced with the revolutionary 3X Power Throws. These throws revolutionize the traditional throwing practice of Long Tossing by incorporating the 3X Mechanics and velocity support. Once you...
Training the Power Pitcher

Training the Power Pitcher

When it comes to training the power pitcher, you must not only have a good understanding of pitching mechanics but strength and conditioning. The problem is most pitching coaches have a very poor understanding of strength and conditioning and most strength and...

Pitching Velocity Specificity

Pitching Velocity Specificity is based on two variables; pitching mechanics and physical fitness. The baseball world has a decent understanding of how important sound pitching mechanics are in producing an above-average pitcher but they have very little understanding...
Force Vector Pitching

Force Vector Pitching

Is your pitching coach teaching the force vector? More than likely your Pitching Coach has no idea what Force Vector Pitching is and why it is so critical for velocity. I would love to see the look on his face when you ask him what force vector pitching is and why is...