Pathomechanics are changes in the normal biomechanical function of a joint, an extremity, or the torso as the result of trauma or disease. The majority of injury comes from these pathomechanics as defined here in this article. Injury is a major factor in baseball,...
Conventional wisdom has always promoted the arm path as holding all the biomechanics to arm injury. A recent study has looked for links to arm injury in the lower body and has found some key correlations that once again prove conventional wisdom wrong and also proves...
Ulnar Collateral Ligament injuries, better known as the Tommy John injury, has become an epidemic in baseball. Players such as Jose Fernandez, Yu Darvish, Matt Harvey, Jacob Degrom and countless others have all gone under the knife recently. In fact, there were more...
Tendonitis in the elbow or shoulder from pitching is an extremely common problem in baseball. If you do not learn what is causing the problem, it could become chronic and end your pitching career. This was my diagnoses at 18 years old, even after rotator cuff surgery....
The amount of minor league and major league pitchers who have torn their UCL this season could make up two baseball teams. The MLB has lost more money on UCL surgeries this year than the Houston Astros entire team salary. There is obviously a major health problem for...