Does max distance long toss increase pitching velocity? If I can throw the ball 300 feet does that mean I can throw 90 mph? Is extreme long toss actually stretching my arm out to help it grow longer? Does max distance throws help with arm strength? These are some of...
Listen to the entire 3X Pitching Podcast Episode 3. You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes by selecting the button on the far right. 3X Pitching – Podcast Episode 3 Transcript This transcript is a rough draft. It is recommended that you listen to the podcast...
If you are a coach who has just started reading about 3X Pitching, bought the program, or studied the mechanics guide, your probably thinking wow... this is amazing!!! But... You might also be thinking.... How the heck do I do it? How do I implement this with my kids?...
Before we dive straight into flexibility and the high velocity pitcher we need to first define what flexibility is and why is it so important to the high velocity pitcher. Conventional wisdom has this flexibility issue completely wrong. How many times have you heard...
3X Pitching is a revolutionary approach to increase pitching velocity which holds the secrets to power pitching. The foundation of the approach is using triple extension (3X) of the drive leg to enhance hip to shoulder separation and pitching velocity. You can learn...