The main purpose of a Drill, is to practice a component of the delivery that will help to correct a mechanical flaw. I also believe it is important to add resistance to a drill to help imprint the new muscle memory.
The drill below should be performed 2 - 3 days a week, for at least 3 - 4 months. The drill should also be performed after completing the "Flexibility Training" portion of the Fusion System which can be found in the Ace Pitcher Handbook included in the 3X Pitching Velocity Program. You will also find a ton more drills in the 3X programs. Try to push each drill to muscle fatigue, if possible.What you will need to perform the drill is your glove, a hiking or weight belt and some resistance bands or tubing. All of these products can be purchased here at the Equipment Store.
The purpose of this drill is to learn how to develop more momentum in your lower half through triple extension (3X) and use that momentum to build torque in the core. Connect the bands to the belt and then to a fence or preferably have someone hold the bands.
Start in the stretch position, with the bands held tight behind you. Lift your leg and lead with your front hip towards the target as you drive the belt forward, as if you are pitching the ball. Remember to keep your head over your belt buckle as your hips move forward and do not let your back knee bend forward over your back toes. Now, move into the "Load" position (select "Load" to view). This will help you build more momentum.
This picture does not show a good stride because of the frame restrictions. Triple extend your drive leg before your front leg lands into a full stride with at least a 6 inch drag line in your back foot. The goal is to generate as much power as possible, without letting your shoulders commit to the target. Drive your back hip through hard, by kicking your drive leg ankle through before your front foot lands. You should work hard to get your back hip close to your front knee and your back shoulder over your back leg when finished, like in the picture.
If you are having a hard time holding your shoulders back, as you drive your hips forward, then use a broom stick to keep your shoulder back and loaded.
The goal of the drill is to train momentum by building as much power as possible through triple extension in your back leg. DO NOT let your shoulders travel with your hips. This will prevent you from using your hard earned power to build torque in your core, like in picture #2. You want to generate as much hip to shoulder separation as possible.
Most pitchers do not have any understanding of optimal core torque. If this is the case, when you hit Pic #2 it may feel awkward. Just make sure you are in the same position as the picture. This component is called "Triple extension and separation." This drill should fatigue your hips and legs. Work Hard!
Purchase the 3X Pitching Velocity Program to add 5-10mph to your fastball with a ton more excellent drills like the Sled Drill.
If one will scrutinize slow or step motion video clips of proper pitching movements properly executed from the ground up one will notice that Pitching approaches are or should be "REVERSE""NEGATIVE""SEMI" "CIRCULAR" "HIP"" "LOAD UP" movements, then followed and executed with a "LINEAR" rear hip, led, drive "FORWARD" "LINEAR" "SIDE WAYS" body movement to the front foot touch down, in other words pitching is or should be a "REVERSE" NEGATIVE" "SEMI- CIRCULAR" " HIP" load up movement followed by a side ways"LINEAR" body, rear hip led,drive to front foot touch down, body movement.
What I continually hear is, especially for the hitting approach is one must go back first rightly so, and this is what I view, batters leaning straight back, one must go, "ROTATE around and back and take their very short forward step at the same time to start the pendulum effect, movement, of the whole rhythmic, pendulum sequence which when executed properly from the ground up generates one's total load up, hands included, "THE HIPS LEAD THE WAY" throughout the whole hitting approach sequence from the start to the completion and is the creation of ones natural hitting power etc. some are under the false impression that the hands and arms are what starts it all,"ABSOLUTELY NOT" As Mr. Ted Williams, The most intelligent hitter of them all taught us all years ago, "THE HIPS LEAD THE WAY" "Mr. Ted" personally figured out what he needed to do to beat the field switch confronted to him by his opponents and proceeded to defy those people by hitting to all fields with consistency, power and average, and by the way I had an acquaintance of mine tell me that those players in his days hit against 50 mph. fast balls and that they could not play major league ball today, He is about as uninformed and air headed as these batters of today who swing from their butts, hit some home runs and maybe hit their weight.
Well I imagine there are some of you out there who disagree with me so let's hear from you and even those who agree, as can be noticed I am a rhythmic, rotational type baseball person, whether it be throwing or hitting, "RHYTHMICALLY" reverse,"ROTATE" "SET" "RHYTHMICALLY" forward "ROTATE" "RHYTHMICALLY" EXPLODE" FORWARD" etc.
This is basically where it is at and basic is where it all needs to begin.
A belated happy thanksgiving and a very happy, safe and successful new year to all.
Don Ervin
After proof reading my comments above again I need to straighten out one of my statements about being a rhythmic, rotational type baseball person, what i meant to say and neglected to do so is that the approach to making good hard consistent barrel to ball contact is a combination of rotational and forward linear, perpendicular, rhythmic body movements and that I am a proponent of these body movements,, I also failed to mention that there must be a lower rear hip led body, hips, and upper torso, shoulders separation with absolutely no body rotation until front foot touch down during one's forward, linear movement to front foot touch down, then the hips first lead the way with the upper torso, shoulders following bringing the arm and hand with ball in it on through to the release point letting the hand and arm come on down to the glove side knee into a flat back good fielding body position, letting the arm and all other body parts involved in the throwing motion momentarily pause instead of immediately recoiling the arm quickly back up which allows those body parts to relax and become prepared for their next sequence of pitches, the arm and all other body parts directly effected during the throwing motion need as much recovery time as possible between pitches, we all know that 12 to 15 seconds is not nearly enough time for good recovery but we have to deal with it as best we can.
Learning to pitch using the whole body from the ground up with good lower body, hips, upper torso separation, triple extension and the other components I mentioned above helps tremendously to alleviate the tension, strain and abuse created on the arm and other body parts negatively effected during the throwing motion, of course an experienced, knowledgeable and capable "PITCHING TEACHER," "NOT JUST A COACH," who is a keen student of individual skills and team fundamentals who understands how to teach one how to properly hit, pitch or just basically play the game starting from the ground up is most important to ones progress.
Lets hear some opinions, feed back etc.
Don Ervin
I already bought the ace handbook,my question is : can I throw long toss with the program?
Long toss up to 180 feet is fine but if you plan to increase the distance past 180 feet then you need to read this article.…