So you have pain triceps biceps pitching/throwing and it has more than likely been hurting for a while. You are searching the web for answers because you need this pain to go away so you can get back to business. I get it! I was you in my career.
When I had pain triceps biceps pitching/throwing and I couldn't find the answers to a quick fix of the problem, I just looked for ways to hide the pain. I was taking Advil almost every day and I started to have to take tons more of it because the pain was getting worse. The pain first started in my elbow and then it moved up my bicep into my shoulder.
It got so bad that I had to take the maximum dose of painkillers, along with icy hot, and in between innings I had to hit my arm, so I would feel the pain of the hit and not the pain coming from my throbbing arm. This was the day that my rotator cuff tore and my career completely stopped. I was shocked and depressed at this time in my life because I had let the pain get so bad, that it almost ended my career.
How to Remove Pain Triceps Biceps Pitching/Throwing
I am writing this article here to help you because I wish someone would have helped me at that point in my pitching career when the pain in my triceps and biceps pitching/throwing first started. If you have pain in your lower, or upper bicep, or your lower or upper tricep and maybe even in the back or front of your upper forearm, you are overusing and abusing your arm. If you have anyone or all of these pains, then you need to stop and listen to your body.
Pain is your body's way of telling you that something is wrong. Pain does not just go away. It will only get worse, as it did in my career if you do not make some changes immediately. Unfortunately, you should have not waited this long to make the changes but better late than never!
Why the Pain Triceps Biceps Pitching/Throwing?
Here is a list of possible reasons you have pain in your arm.
- Inflammation of soft tissue due to pattern overload of the joint. Here is a great article to learn about pattern overload and pitching.
- Bone spurs or bone-to-bone contact.
- Muscle or tendon damage.
- Putting excessive stress on the joint due to poor mechanics.
I believe that most arm pain is a sign of not just one thing but a few. It usually is the cause of poor mechanics, poor joint integrity (strength and conditioning), and overuse. For most pitchers who have this pain in triceps biceps pitching/throwing, all they need to do is address one of these issues and the pain will usually go away if there is no damage to the muscles, tendons, or bone. Fixing all three of these issues, will not only remove the pain completely, but it will also increase performance. Most performance can be enhanced by more effectively distributing the stress of the movement throughout the body, instead of putting it all in the arm.
Steps to Pain Relief of the Pitching Arm
If you are serious about fixing your arm problems and you do not want to go down the road to destruction as I did, then follow these steps to relieve your arm of this abuse.
- Take a few weeks off from throwing if possible.
- Ice your arm to start the healing process. Read this article on how to ice your arm.
- Visit a medical professional who can examine your arm for serious muscle, tendon or bone damage.
- Start eating better. Eat more protein.
- Sign up for the 30-Day to 5 MPH 3-Part Series. I will give you some key tips on how you must change your pitching mechanics to redistribute the stress through your body without overloading the arm.
BONUS TIP: Learn about proper pitching pronation. This mechanical adjustment can have an immediate effect on arm pain. Read these articles to learn more, Proper Pronation Pitching and Research Proving Pronation Supports Pitching Velocity While Preventing Injury.
This will get you on the right track and will definitely save your career. If your pain sounds like the pain I had before I tore my rotator cuff then I suggest you contact me above and tell me about your pain. I will advise you if you need medical help! Best of luck!
Pitching Pain-Free
I get this question almost every day, "Will I Pitch Pain-Free Again?" It really takes a good game plan to help get you back on the mound again pain-free. The problem is most ball players, especially pitchers want a quick fix and in most cases, this isn't the solution. It really takes a comprehensive look at your training regime, throwing mechanics, and throwing workload. If the arm is not damaged, which means you need medical attention, then adjusting these three factors will do the trick but it does take time. The reason it takes time is that most of these ball players, who are in this situation, have a very poor understanding of these three factors. They have a very poor understanding of how you should train your body and arm for the stress of throwing, how you should move your body correctly to reduce the stress on the arm, and what signs you have when you are overthrowing. Once the pitcher can learn all of this information then it is not only an arm saver but a game changer. This is the foundation of the 3X Pitching Velocity Program which I personally developed to overcome my rotator cuff tear and not only pitch again but play at the professional level after Doctors told me my arm was ruined.
Heal Your Arm Now with the Latest in Science
This Fast Arm Recovery System uses a 4-week System Calendar proven to heal the arm and rebuild it ASAP to get you back to the game. NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE AN OFF-SEASON DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM LIKE THE 3X AND 2X PROGRAMS.
This system includes two phases of training with 8 different components. The first step or phase was developed to speed the healing process and the second step or phase was built to speed the strengthening and recovery process.
If you are in pain and need help immediately to get back to the season in weeks then this is the course for you. If you are concerned about injury this isn't here to replace a doctor. Please visit a doctor before starting this course if you are injured.
I have this sorta pain EVERY single time I play catch or pitch with my brother. I've had this problem since I was about 13. Im almost 20 now and I still cant shake the pain. I throw a lot harder than I did then and I'd like to pursue a career in baseball, but this pain is so aggrevating, that I dont know if I would be very effective on the mound. Are there any other styles of pitching that could nurse the situation? I a protypical pitcher. 3 pitches, not quite 'straight-over-the-top' delivery, but not side arm. If anyone has any advice at all thank you so much. – JD
I need more information on your pain. Tell me where it is and when do you feel it the most.
I have pain in my lower bicep and tricep. i play in a mens slowpitch softball and play left center. all it takes is one good hard throw in and i can barely throw after that.
It sounds like you are not warming up enough and not staying warm in between innings. You also have a mechanical issue. You could be not closing your shoulders off enough preventing you from swinging and abusing your arm. If you can post some video for analysis in the forums that would help me see the problem.
My is 15 and started working out focusing on his arms more and this past weekend his tricep and bicep felt tight and he immediately told the coach and sat the rest of the weekend besides hitting. What do you think is the cause of this and what should he do?
Tightness in the triceps and biceps after starting a new workout regimen, especially for a young athlete like your son, is typically due to a sudden increase in load or intensity that the muscles aren’t accustomed to. This can be exacerbated by insufficient warm-up or cool-down routines, or possibly inadequate hydration or nutrition. It’s crucial he focuses on proper strength training techniques and ensures a balanced workout that includes all muscle groups to avoid overloading specific areas. I recommend having him undergo a thorough evaluation by a sports medicine professional to rule out any underlying issues and to get tailored advice. Additionally, integrating a comprehensive program like the 2X or 3x Velocity Program, which focuses on total body strength and mechanics, could prevent future issues and enhance his performance. What kind of training program is your son currently following, and has he had any prior experience with strength training?
Great tips. I pitch in a 30+ league now and actually just finished a 7 inning complete game. After each inning of pitching the area between the bicep and tricep of my arm would ache, even throb. When I went back out to throw, no problem. Every once in a while I would feel it on a fastball that got a little loose but by the next pitch no pain. Come back in, and the pain would come back. By the 5th, the pain was much less than before, but was still there. This has actually carried on from last season. I suspect overuse or lack of warming up. Though I ran quite a bit and threw what I thought was enough before taking the mound.
Very little to no pain in the shoulder, except where the bicep tendon is I think. Bicep is sore tonight.
Ice? Any exercise or stretches you might suggest? Bicep tendonitis?
Yes, ice will help. Here is an article on icing your arm.…
You need to develop your biceps and triceps more. When are muscles mass decreases from pitching this puts more of the stress of pitching in the joint. You need a good strength and conditioning program for pitchers to help rebuild this mass and strength. Check out the 3X Pitching Velocity program here.
I am a catcher my pain is in the tricep bone in the top of the tricep what do I do
It sounds like the rotator cuff. You need to use your trunk better. Your cutting it off when you throw. I have a throwing device coming out soon which will help improve this.
My 15 yr old son is dealing with bicep tendinitis for the third time in less than two years. He also had a stress fracture in his growth plate in his shoulder in August of 2011 and he shut down throwing for about 10 weeks. He is now getting ready for the his season and the shoulder feels ok but pain in his bicep is coming back. Do you have any suggestions for him? Would this program address mechanics issues that could lead to these problems? Would he be able to see results within a few weeks before his season starts?
Hi Brent,
my 15 year old son was diagnosed with tricep tendonitis back in February. He really wasn’t throwing much , only at practices with his travel team. he was shut down and then was put on a thrwoing program and it was fine during high school ball. He started his travel season and now it’s back hurting again. He pitches once a week and i make sure he’s not being over used. Any thoughts?
I am 13 and I am having pain in my upper bicep… I threw everyday with my middle school team and now I throw maybe 2 or 3 times a week?The pain is getting worse and worse…what should I do?
Shut it down and go to a doctor. It sounds like you need to rehabilitate your shoulder. After rehab I would highly recommend that you purchase the 3X Pitching Velocity Program. It is as much a injury prevention program for pitchers than a pitching velocity program.
Hey Brent I’v been trying to throw using my full body recently and noticed alot less pain in my arm then ever however randomly when I throw for a longer period or if I’m stupidly trying to impress my friends by putting a little extra speed on my pitch I will get a tingling sensation in my elbow down to my fingers and sometimes a little pain for like a second or two and once I get it it continues till I stop throwing this only happeneds when I either throw hard or long periods and hard, what do you think?
This is the ulnar nerve. This means it is slipping and then getting pinched when throwing. Some pitchers have problems with the ulnar nerve causing this pain and surgery to move the nerve is common practice. I believe this can be fixed without surgery using both strength and conditioning and good mechanics. If you can add some forearm size then this will reduce this pain also making sure you are not dropping the elbow below the shoulders during external rotation.
I play slowpitch softball and after a couple of hard throws from the outfield to the infield in different days my tricep start bothering me so bad that no matter how good i warm up even when i run hard starts bothering me or if i bat too, this is even without throwing at this point. what do u think i can do?
I highly recommend that you do some joint integrity training. I would do some bicep and tricep work along with forearms. Keep the reps low and the weight high. Do this without any throwing for a week and then continue this training as they begin to throw again.
this last week my arm has been killing me it felt good on saturday and i have been icing it but when i tried to throw this tuesday it felt like i have just threw 200 pitches the day before and it has been feeling like this for 5 days it hurts in my upper bicep and when i throw it feels like i can feel my veins pulse threw my arm i really need some advice because i am a prospect in the draft this upcoming year and right now i am going through a hard time thanks.
Hey Brent, I am 13 and im having alot of pain in my upper bicep and the inside of my elbow. Ive been taking pitching lesons for about a year working on my mechanics, using my entire body, but everytime I throw in a game my arm goes out after the first 5 batters. Do you have any idea how I can prevent this pain? It’s really affecting my playing time because it hurts so bad, and no matter what I do it keeps coming back and getting worse. It’s even starting to hurt when im not even doing anything.
Robert, it sounds like you have a lot of wear and tear in your arm causing a lot of inflammation. I would first recommend a MRI to see if you have any damage. Then I would recommend you take a total approach to arm health here. You need to first focus on a diet high in raw green foods and omega 3’s to help reduce inflammation in your body. If you are taking a lot of ibuprofen and not eating well then it is catching up to you. Next I would suggest you send in a video of you pitching for analysis. You can learn how to do this by selecting the Video Analysis button at the top of the page. Finally I would suggest you do some joint integrity training while learning 3X Pitching.
Jacob, you could being causes some damage to your growth plate in your elbow. I would recommend that you go to your doctor and ask him to xray your elbow to see if you have any displacement of the growth plate. If you do then I would suggest you shut it down while you start learning 3X Pitching. If you do not have displacement then you may need to do some joint integrity training which would involve strengthening the forearm, bicep and tricep with some light weight training. The Beginner’s Guide to 3X Pitching has all of these exercises and information for your age group.
I have already had an MRI and x-rays but nothing showed up. He said everything was fine.
Jacob, I would then recommend that you get on a beginner strength and conditioning program to strengthen your body to be able to handle the wear and tear better and at the same time learn better mechanics while also reducing the amount of throws you make weekly. This will do it!
I have pain in my lower bicep almost everytime i throw. One time it got so bad i couldn’t throw because the pain in my lower bicep. What do you think it could be?
It is a sign of poor bicep strength and poor pitching mechanics. Checkout the Pitching Articles here to learn more about high velocity pitching mechanics and the Training Articles to learn how to develop joint integrity.
you said “I believe that most arm pain is the sign of not just one thing but a few. It usually is the cause of poor mechanics, poor joint integrity (strength and conditioning) and overuse. Most pitchers who have this pain, all they need to do is address one of these issues and the pain will usually go away if there is not damage to the muscles, tendons or bone”
Brent, I have been experiencing some pain in my lower biceps tendon. I found out what was causing it in my mechanics and fixed it. After adjusting my mechanics I was still a bit sore throwing but the pain wasn’t really hurting or getting worse. I have a important showcase tomorrow, would I be ok if I threw in it, because I fixed the mechanical error that was causing it? I’ll keep icing it of course.
I believe most bicep pain pitching comes from a weak overused bicep. A little rest with some strengthening usually does the trick and the mechanics change if effective will prevent it from coming back. If your pain is not deep and causes you to lose strength then I would say you are fine. Icing, strengthening and rest should fix it overtime if there is no damage.
My son is a 15 year old right handed pitcher. A couple weeks ago during warm ups he had a pretty good pain occur in his right fore arm. He stopped right away and had a sore fore arm for a few days. He started out this past week throwing lightly and has gradually increased the velocity. Still feels some pain just for a few seconds as he”s throwing if he throws one too hard. But other than that he has no pain, tenderness, or anything. Any ideas?
When this kind of pain occurs at a young age the first thing that needs to be checked is the growth plates to make sure nothing has moved. If it isn’t a growth plate then it could be just a muscle strain. Following the RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) model helps and then learn better biomechanics, strength training and using pitch counts helps.
Hey Brent,
I’m 21 years old training for next season in the Fall to tryout for my college team. I have an issue when I start throwing hard The pain comes in my lower bicep to the left. So its right where the bicep starts and to the left if I were to stick my hand out and look at it. Ideas?
This is caused by overuse and poor mechanics. The bicep decelerates the forearm. Most pitchers first make the mistake of not building the bicep muscle up for the season and this coupled with poor mechanics and overuse gives you bicep pain. You need to rest the arm and start strengthening the shoulder and elbow again with a strength program like in the 3X Pitching Velocity Program then you can get back into throwing again. Also warming up better before throwing is key.
I’m a sophomore and I play shortstop at the varsity level in high school. Recently my tricep/elbow has been causing me pain during pregame throwing and infield/outfield. During the game the throbbing pain dies down until I have to throw the ball, and then it starts up again. I have also noticed that I have lost quite a bit of strength on my throws off of my back foot deep in the hole and even routine plays. Icy hot has no effect on it and Advil doesn’t do much either. I can’t even throw the ball accurately anymore because I am forced to change my arm angle to minimize the pain. Please help me, baseball is my life!
Sounds like you need to learn better throwing mechanics while taking some time off to strengthen your entire body along with your arm.
Checkout the 2X Velocity Program to help you do this:
Great information here Brent. I’ve been playing ball since middle school, travel, highschool and one year college. I’ve been out of the game for 6 years. I decided to play ball this summer and began throwing and condition. I’ve recently have been having a unfamiliar pain in my Tricep long head area. A very sharp pain that can be felt through out my whole arm when throwing hard. Never felt this pain before. I’ll be honest i’m a bit nervous i didn’t injury my anything serious like my tendon(inbetween my tricep and bicep). I bought a Tennis elbow brace and tightened it above my elbow for a couple minutes and removed the brace to find a unbearable sharp pain. Any suggestion…Ice/compression/Advil/Elevation/mechanics? Any info would be appreciated.
Thanks for your time
I believe you first need to strengthen the joint with low reps and good resistance. You also need to take some time off from throwing to do this. To help it heal you need to RICE. Rest, Ice Compression, Elevation. Do not ice more than 12 minutes on.
Checkout the 3X and 2X programs because learning healthy throwing/pitching mechanics is also critical to arm health.
i am 17U pitcher and experienced pain in my upper tri area. What can this be?
That could be just fatigue from overuse. The tricep helps decelerate the arm. You need to rest, rebuild and strengthen the arm. The 3X Pitching Velocity Program has joint integrity programs for all year long.
my 12 yr old son is complaing of his bicep area when pitching.. took him to get xray they saw nothing so said ut was just s muscle strain took time off. pitched 3inning on saturday and than said his pain was coming back ….he is a active big kid plays basketball does athletics at school what can i do ?”
How much time did he take off and what did he due during the time off?
he took 2mths off and during that time mostly played basketball…. any advice greatly appreciated…
So he didn’t strengthen the joint during the time off. This means the joint had some time to heal but not strengthen which was most of his problem. He needs to strengthen the joint and learn better mechanics. Checkout the 3X pr 2X programs.
Ok so I broke my wrist in January playing basketball and didn’t throw for about 2 months. I have recently started my select baseball season. EVERY time I throw I get pain in my bicep. I play catcher and every time a throw done to second I get a sharp pain in my bicep where I can barely throw back to the pitcher. Any tips or ideas would be helpful. Thank you.
hi so im 16 i practice 6 days a week and when i have time off from school ball (summer) and from travel ball i am either doing different pitching drills or doing different workouts or i am long tossing and i immediately ice my arm as soon as i get home i ice my arm for 15 mins and i take it off for another 15 mins and then i put a heating pad on my arm for 15 mins and i used to be able to pitch 2 games straight before my arm would start hurting and this year i cant i dont think i have even pitched a whole game yet and it gets very painful i want to go pro so bad baseball is everything to me its more than just a sport its all ive ever had i always practice and ive been noticed im good at pitching but my arm hurts really bad and lately its like icing my arm or soaking in epsom salt or using heat doesnt work and i dont understand why cz it did last year im a sophomore (birthday fell late) and im starter pitcher for myhighschool and my team needs me i cant just take a brake and leave them i dont know what to do
I am 15 years old I am a first baseman and I pitch a little bit. This is my first year of highschool ball and the first year I have had this pain. The pain is low tricep area and it gets so bad that when I take off my glove and hold it in my hand my arm shakes. I’m scared because the season just started and I was out for a concussion and I dont want to be out again. If you know what’s wrong or have any tips to help that would be great thanks.
Blake, you have lost integrity in your elbow joint. You need to rest the arm and rebuild the joint and more overall strength/power. Your mechanics could also improve to help reduce the stress.
I would recommend getting a massage in the area to help the muscles heal. Use ice for no more than 15 minutes and once it starts feeling better you need to strengthen it. I would highly recommend that you checkout the 3X or 2X programs which includes everything you will need from joint integrity training to throwing drills to improve your mechanics.
Im 17 ima a junior this year I have a had serious injuries with my arm im throwing 90-93 says the guns im a starter and ive had very serious pain since I was twelve in my elbow and have had 6 mris since up to this day all came back with nothing until the last one were it said I had partial tares in my ucl in my elbow I took off for about 8 months did alot of bands work outs dumbells curling bars and bench pressing Istarted throwing again until about the 4 th game iI staryed feeling it again but not as bad abd then it went to lower back elbo bicep all the way up to my shoulder and even now my shoulder I ice my arm and heat it all the time and it works except for my shoulder I have sharp iritated pain 24/7 I am currently getting help from a pitching coach named Bill Hepner he played for the Mets and struck out hank aaron twice he is teaching me now propper mechanics but the arm pain is just so over welming I cant take it no more what do you suggest
You need to some and work with me at a 3X Velocity Camp and stay for the 3X Training. You have a lot to learn about your arm and at your ball speed you need a few evaluation and a program to get you on the right track.
Hi my son 10 year old son says he gets a pain on the inside of his elbow every now an then what should I do aan what can it be
That should be of concern because at his age it can be linked to growth plate problems. Typically the medial side of the elbow swells when overuse has occurred due to overthrowing, throwing inefficiently or not having enough strength to support the torques on the joint. I would highly recommend you checkout the 3X Pitching Beginners Program which will give you a training program to help him protect the joint and also better mechanics to reduce the stress on the joint.
Hello, my name is Colton I am 15 years old and I pitch, I throw around 72-77 mph. I have had terrible pain In my lower bicep and my lower and upper tricep and very little pain in my elbow, bit much at all. I’ve tried everything. BioFreeze, Ibuprofen, Icy Hot, Advil. And it doesn’t even touch the pain it gets so bad I can’t even hold up my water bottle after pitching an inning ive read through your article and I’ve iced it like you said. I had my arm examined and they couldn’t find anything. And i love baseball more than anything and I would be crushed if an arm injury causes me not able to pitch anymore. I have a huge baseball tournament coming up and they need me out there on the mound I was just wondering if you could me solve this problem or help any. Please let me know something
There isn’t a quick fix unfortunately. You need to rest, recover and rebuild. This would include massage, better nutrition, reducing your throwing workload and then getting on the 3X Pitching Velocity Program. I would highly recommend that you come to a 3X Velocity Camp so you can learn how to prevent any further damage to the arm as you advance in this game.
Hi. Im 15 years old and Ive had problems in the past where my bicep hurts and it becomes very difficult to hold or do anything much less pitch. Ive been playing for a while but I took a year off too get prepared for high school pitching, but the pain has returned. I dont always have the issue; its only certain times.
Your elbow is breakdown from the overuse and the poor physical development. I would highly recommend that you attend a 3X Velocity Camp or take the online course and start the training to developing yourself into a healthy high velocity pitcher.
Hey I’m 13 years old and I have pain in my bicep and tricep… I just had tendonitis and that pain is going away and now I have pain in my bicep and tricep. There is no pain in my elbow or shoulder, it’s just my bicep and tricep. You would be doing me such a big favor with advice. Thx
I feel like my ive thrown out my tricep or bicep, im 21 years old played sports my whole life. I was playing kickball and i threw from 3rd to 1st a dodgeball without warming up and i felt a pop (i was kinda inebriated) i kept playing on it with it hurting and now it hurts every time i throw its my lower bicep i think and its been more than 4 months of pain when throwing a softball a baseball or anything please let me know what you think it is cuz ive thrown all my life and fairly hard now i can barely throw 50% of my full speed:( due to a bum arm or if i throw my hardest im in alot alot of pain
Sounds like you could have torn something. Go to a doctor and get an MRI.
I have pain in my biceps while throwing baseball pitch. I didn’t feel like this pain befor this time. Iam using ice method bt no improvment. I want to rehablitate my self for my upcoming tournament . plz suggest me what should i do. Plz
I would highly recommend that you take some time off throwing and start some massage then use the 3X Pitching Velocity Program to help develop total body strength.
I played fastball my whole life as a catcher and pitcher at 47 i can still throw heat underhand .the second i play positionally and i need to throw hard like from 3rd to 1 if i throw hard i get a pain right above and to the outside of my bicep thats so bad i hang my arm and i can barely lift it for a few seconds
Any thoughts ?
It sounds like an impingement of the rotator cuff. You could have some damage so get it checked out then I would recommend you start developing more scapular function with strengthen of the shoulders and back. The 3X Pitching Velocity Program has all this training and more to help!
Thanx Brent
It takes a generous person to field questions so thank you
My 10 year old daughter was having pain in the bicep every time she would throw. She is not a pitcher she plays 3rd and SS. We rested her arm for a week and as soon as she started to throw the pain came back. I took her to an orthopedic and after an x-ray he diagnosed her with little league shoulder. She has been on rest now for 5 weeks, had her follow up appt and she has severe weakness in her arm along with tenderness in the shoulder area and he has kept her on rest for another 2 weeks. My question it normal to have bicep and no shoulder pain with having little league shoulder? I asked if she should be doing any physical therapy and he said no, that rest is the only thing she should be doing. The weakness was so bad that I can’t believe that even after 2 wks she will be fine. He is also telling me that once she is cleared she will be able to start throwing right away and continue playing on 2 teams. How do we stop this from happening again? I spoke to her coach he says she has great mechanics and doesn’t think that is what caused her issues…just feeling a bit confused and I have a very anxious daughter wanting to get back on the field.
Unfortunately you are not getting good advice except for the rest. In 2 weeks she needs to start some form of rehabilitation to strengthen the arm but more importantly she needs to focus on the entire body. I would highly recommend the 2X Velocity Program for her following some physical therapy.
My son is 12 going on 13, and has been complaining of arm soreness (bicep area close to elbow) when he pitches. He’s been on a pitch count and hasn’t thrown a lot of innings but he experiences pain & tightness shortly after he pitches. We’ve routinely iced his arm and encourages a stretching regiment. What do you think it could be? tendinitis?
Do not stretch the joint. He is overthrowing. He needs to slow down his throwing and let the arm heal. Massage will support healing along with starting a strength and conditioning program. I would highly recommend he checkout the 3X Pitching Beginner Program or attend a 3X Velocity Camp to learn how to prevent injury in the future.
I am 14 years old and after pitching one night I felt a sharp pain in my upper bicep tendon area by my shoulder, the pain occurs when I move my arm in any direction. I figured it was bicep tendinitis and I have been resting and icing it for two weeks now. I recently tried throwing and it just feels like I am not getting any life on my ball anymore. I stopped throwing because it just wasn’t comfortable but i don’t know what happened. I could barely throw the baseball and that frustrates me because I had a great off season and worked hard to gain a lot of velocity… Please help, and let me know what you think it is and what I should do for it.
Sounds like you are throwing too much. Your bicep could be strained and needs more time to heal. Also sounds like you are throwing too much in your offseason. You need to use your offseason to develop mobility, speed, strength and power not to continue overthrowing. I would suggest you continue to rest and get massage therapy to help it heal and then start on a good strength and conditioning and biomechanics training program like the 3X Programs.
Hello, i am a 16 yr old pitcher and ive been pitching ever since i was 9. I didnt start having arm pains until i was 14. When i would throw the backside near the tricep part of my elbow would scream with pain. It was a scratchy, burning and popping kind of pain if that makes sense. I went to a physical therapist and it finally subsided after a couple of weeks but would come back every now and then. Now i dont have any pain in my elbow but now my arm cant go two innings without pain coming to my frontside of my shoulder where the bicep connect to the shoulder and my bicep and tricep. I was told it was just out of shape but i just wanted to get a second opinion from a doctor.
You will find your problems are overuse, poor physical fitness and poor mechanics. I would highly recommend you stop playing more than 8 months out of the year and start a velocity development program like the 3X Pitching Velocity Program.
My son is 13 but he is literally 6 foot even and 175 pounds and has been a pitcher for baseball and quater since he was 9. These past few weeks he has been saying his elbow and back arm muscle has been hurting to wear he has asked the coach to stop pitching….which he has never done. His doctor says there could be a elbow joint gap???? Can u help explain that?
Plan and simple, he is overused, not strong enough to handle the overuse and his mechanics and not built on his lower half so the arm is doing most of the work. At this age if you want him to have any opportunity to play this game for more than his high school career you both need to come to a 3X Velocity Camp and learn how to defend yourself from injury while competing at the next level.
Hello I’m a 16 year old pitcher on my Travel ball team and just yesterday my arm started hurting after I threw without a longer and more proper warmup. Unfortunately my warmup was cut short by the showcase organizers and coaches as they wanted to get into infield. After infield my arm started getting sore and with every throw I made, I could feel my arm wanting to stop. I pitched in the game, didn’t throw near as how hard I can throw but I could still throw if I needed to. After this I had a game in which I was warmed up to pitch Twice, which is common on my team due to terrible coaching, and was then placed at 2nd. I woke up today and my arm is feeling alright. So is this a serious issue or should Ice and eventual rest heal my arm.
I have my Fast Arm Recovery System coming out soon to help you recover from this pain. You could have strained an arm muscle. I would suggest in the meantime get a good message and once it feels better start to strength your body like we do with the 3X and 2X programs. Also use these programs to develop better mechanics which will reduce the work on the arm.
Brent Pourciau, I am 16 years old and am a high school pitcher. About 3 years ago after I would pitch, I started feeling a little pain in my bicep area. This was nothing serious, but fast-forwarding to now, I feel this has become an issue and is affecting my pitching. I play the outfield as well and my arm feels fine when I’m out there, but whenever I have to pitch, the pain comes back into full swing. It is something that doesn’t take long to start hurting which is why I feel this is a problem. I have been trying to fight this pain, but it’s gotten to the point where after the first inning my arm is hurting pretty bad. I really just need some guidance on how I can prevent this. I saw your article on this issue, as it has informed me that I fall under the category of bicep pain when pitching. Now that you know my story, if you could give me specifics as to how I can really dig into this problem that would be great.
You need to learn how to drive more energy from your lower half than arm and you also need to develop more leg power and total body strength to support this. I would highly recommend you start the 3X Pitching Velocity Program.
I am 14, and about 2 months ago, while longtossing in a practice, my entire bicep had stared aching, and I thought it was just sore, and took a short break. I have since gone to 6 games, and 3 practices a week. I play outfield, first and pitch, and My arm has been getting that dull sore ache after I throw about 10 balls at the 25+ foot range. Any recommendations?
Yes if you need help with the pain and recovery get the Fast Arm Recovery System
Hey I am 13 years old and in the beginning I have been playing travel baseball since I was 9 years old it has started hurting when I was 10 years old when my coach made me throw curveballs and a hard fastball every game since then I have dropped the curveball and done more of a change up fastball approach but it still hurts lately in my upper forearm and lower bicep tricep area what do I do
My bicep has been hurting for a while now, and one time it got so bad after tryouts, because of all the throwing that when i was doing motions with nothing in my hand it hurt, this pain is when i throw a few then i feel it in my arm and i keep on throwing and it gets so bad that i cant throw nothing, could you tell me what is wrong with my arm, because my bicep is killing me every time i play on my high school team.
also i am 15 years old
Hello! I’m 28 Yrs old, have had tommy john (2017) (Right Arm), and been using everything I can get my hands on from everyone in this pitching performance world. I’ve gotten myself from touching 91 to sitting mid 90’s and even popping a 97mph in a men’s league game 4 days ago. My mechanics have made a 180 degree turn into being more free and easy. The only problem right now is that I can now maintain my velo through 7-9 innings BUT I start to notice light soreness in my lower bicep and tricep and even in between them, basically where you have circled in your picture at the beginning of the article. This goes away in a couple days and doesn’t bother me but I feel like it shouldn’t be there in general which leads me to believe there is a inefficiency somewhere in the chain. I’ve come so far already and getting some bullpens for teams in Jan/February along with overseas in Japan. Money is tight as I take care of my grandma so anything can help that possibly could help me better understand this.
When you have the opportunity go ahead and reach out to me at the following number and we can discuss your options. (415)-877-4850.
About 6 months ago I was pitching in front of some scouts and really wanted to throw hard to show off rookie mistake. I ended up throwing hard as I could and left with pretty bad elbow pain but I just shrugged it off, the past school ball season I had no velo like I used to before I got hurt and it hurt near the back of my elbow I think it may be tricep problems, tennis elbow, and some lack of mobility in the external and internal pronation, im 15 years old and I topped at 86 before I hurt my arm and now I can’t even touch 80 or try to throw that hard without pain in the regions I mentioned
I recommend sending us your video for an analysis, it sounds like you are not creating optimal hip to shoulder separation and using your arm to finish the delivery.
My 13 yo son has started winter workouts doing overload and underlaod he is big for his age and throws hard for his age. he experiences bicep pain but once he does some arm care after the throwing it goes away. The coach says it’s the muscle breaking down and it’s normal as he is getting stronger. Any advise would be appreciated last thing I want to do is the wrong thing for him.