Baseball Pitching Velocity Training

The main purpose of a Drill, is to practice a component of the delivery that will help to correct a mechanical flaw. I also believe it is important to add resistance to a drill to help imprint the new muscle memory.
The drill below should be performed 2 - 3 days a week, for at least 3 - 4 months. The drill should also be performed after completing the “Flexibility Training" portion of the Fusion System which can be found in the Ace Pitcher Handbook. You can also find more drills in the handbook. Try to push each drill to muscle fatigue, if possible.What you will need to perform the drill is your glove and some resistance tubing. All of these products can be purchased at the Velocity Store.
The purpose of this drill is to enforce the “Chest Thrust” position. To perform this drill you need a resistance band or tubing. Connect the band to a fence or have someone hold the band behind you.


Pic #1:

Start in the “Chest Thrust” position, with the band held with your throwing arm resting behind you. Your chest is up and your hips are under your chest. Both of your feet facing the target in a full stride.

Pic #2:

When ready, drive your chest out over your front foot while continuing to relax your arm. All of your weight is now on your front foot.

Pic #3:

Once your chest hits the wall, extend your elbow above your head and out in front of your body, finishing the pitch. DO NOT ALLOW YOUR FRONT KNEE TO MOVE.
* The goal of this drill is to shift your weight as fast as possible while relaxing your arm. Velocity is based on how fast you can shift your weight and then transfer that into the ball. This is why it is important to stabilize the front leg and not let it bend.

Purchase the Ace Pitcher Handbook for more drills and to learn the 6 Components of Pitching.