The reality is that the glove arm to shoulder must act as a fulcrum for the shoulders during the throw to allow for efficient speed mechanics. To understand this we must first define the fulcrum. A fulcrum is a pivot about which a lever turns. The lever in pitching mechanics is the shoulders and also the hips but in this article, we are only talking about the shoulders. The shoulders must swing like a door towards the target. Once they open then the arm must launch over the top of the door. If the pivot or fulcrum of the door is moving when the door is slamming closed then the door will not reach its top velocity. The same results would occur with other tools that use the fulcrum or pivot to swing a lever. Good examples similar to pitching, which I have used on this site, would be the catapult or mousetrap.
What is the best way to use the glove side to increase shoulder and pitch speed?
Before I go into answering this question please understand that there is several critical mechanical components that occur before the glove side even comes into play during the pitching delivery. It is essential when learning velocity focused pitching mechanics that you master all of these critical components before front foot strike which is when the glove side takes action. You can learn all of these mechanical components in the 3X Pitching Velocity Program.
When the glove side is ready to serve its purpose, it must immediately spring into action and become an effective fulcrum for the shoulders to launch. This means it must tuck tightly under the glove arm and shoulder. The tuck should be enough for the chest to push forward while the glove arm bicep is fully contracted like when curling weight. Do not let the glove drop or the elbow to swing out towards the dugout. The elbow must stick into the obliques of the core. By tucking the glove side up and under the arm and keeping it tight with the chest pushing forward this will set a strong fulcrum for the shoulders to efficiently accelerate around. Remember the purpose of the tuck is to create a stable fulcrum or pivot, NOT to assist the throwing arm during the launch. Using the glove side to assist the throwing arm during the throw will cause instability in the pivot point, slowing down the speed of the shoulders and could also cause arm drag which can lead to elbow and shoulder injury. It can also cause the shoulders to throw the ball early reducing hip to shoulder separation at front foot strike.
The best way to learn the glove side is to watch the glove side of hard throwers in slow motion.
Brent what type of mechanics and explosiveness would it take for a pitcher that is 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighing 125 pounds to throw 80 mph.
Very possible if he is willing to train with a program like 3X.
Brent I was planning on coming to your camp in June, but my parents wouldn't allow me to go so is there any other way I can gain more pitching velocity with you without going to the camp. I am 14 and I am throwing only 70 mph and I really would like to hit 80 sometime in the summer. I have been doing the olympic lifts with a small amount of weight and working on mechanics. I have already gained just about 10 mph just training with you for a year and what has really helped me was the mechanical part of pitching. I think I might be able to change my parent's mind so leave some spots open but I am 90% sure they won't let me go. So to sum it up I just need a way to throw 80 by the summertime and I hope its not flooding near your area Brent with that bad weather. Thanks allot
Ron, it would be great to have you at the camp in June but it is a nice investment on your parents part I am sure, so I totally understand their position. It is good to hear that 3X Pitching has helped you add up to 10 mph on your fastball and hitting 80 mph at 14 is a big goal but I admire your determination. If you could make the camp in June you would go home with tons of new info that would give you a great chance to reach your velocity goals but if this is not going to happen then the best I can do is continue to help you the way I have helped you so far. You are 14 so I do not want to push your weight training like I would if you were 18 but it is key because your mechanics are not the issue. It is your force production. We need to get you moving faster. If I was you I would work hard on the plyometrics in the anaerobic training section of the Fusion System. I would also start to film you performing the power clean or hang clean with maybe the bar and 10 lbs on both sides. We could help you add more explosive power at your age without putting a lot of stress on your growth plates. You also need to understand that velocity will come. The fact that you are learning this valuable info and training regime at such a young age is going to put you ahead of the game very soon. Time is on your side! Keep in touch!
Brent, this is a great explanation of the glove side. I have never thought of the glove side as a fulcrum but this makes perfect sense and when put into practice it helps to connect the timing of the release point with the rear leg extension. In the past I always thought glove side was just a simple way to put an emphasis on forward momentum during the delivery and to prevent throwing side arm fly out.
hav-n trouble downloading a vedio for your help in my mech.'s. My high schl. pitching coach is not completly sold on vedioing. My dad and I have done a vedio a wk. ago and we used the infomation you put out there for those of us who are beleavers in your product. Thanks for all you do to the sucess of us with little or No help. M y dad has tryed to find me all the things I need to get where I need to b and he realy Trust what you do.
Connor, I am glad I can help. Let me know if I can do anything else for you!