The hardest component to conquer in the power pitching delivery is bar far the force vector. Most pitching coaches do not coach this component because they more than likely have no idea what it is. If you want to increase velocity quickly, or you need to increase velocity quickly, then spend your time training this secret component to pitch velocity. It is the foundation of the 3X approach to pitching. If we compared the pitching delivery of a power pitcher to a high powered riffle then the force vector would be the barrel and triple extension would be the trigger. Without either one, your high powered riffle is junk. It also doesn't matter how much gun powder is in the gun, without the barrel or the trigger, it is useless. Most young pitchers have very poor stride power because they do not achieve triple extension in their strides. This component along with the gun powder, which is our muscles, produce power in our strides. Without this component and poor leg and core strength, our power production is limited.
What is the Force Vector?
This is the angle of the ankle to knee. Starting in the drive leg, this is the direction that force is being produce. If the ankle to knee is vertical then the force will be produced in a vertical direction. Because the stride moves in a linear direction, towards the target, a pitcher can not produce force or power in the stride until the force vector is linear. The force vector is also important in the landing leg. When the landing leg stabilizes and produces force back into the hips, the force vector must also be angled in a linear direction instead of a vertical direction.
Why is the Force Vector so important to increase velocity?
The National Pitching Association in their 2005-2006 Velocity Study here, proved that 80% of a pitchers velocity is based on the degrees of separation between the hips and shoulders at front foot strike. The 3X pitching approach has proven that triple extension before front foot strike, along with triple flexion of the landing leg at front foot strike, is what enhances this hip to shoulder separation. Therefore the force vector must be in a linear direction for triple extension to occur in the drive leg and optimal stabilization to occur in the landing leg.
How to Implement the Force Vector into the Pitching Delivery?
Most young pitchers struggle with this critical component. Their force vector stays too vertical through their strides. The reason for this is the lack of power and mobility. Power and mobility is pretty much a catch 22. You cannot have mobility without power but you can have power without mobility and to have a linear force vector in your drive leg during your stride, takes both power and mobility to implement. The best way to improving your force vector you must first start with building a base level of strength through the entire body and then start enhancing power production by introducing speed and power movements. Once you have developed some explosive power which can be measured in a vertical jump then you want to start training this power through full range of motion to enhance mobility. This must be done with both a throwing program and a strength and conditioning program. This is the foundation of the 3X Pitching Velocity program. This is why this off-season program is so effective in increasing velocity. If you are serious about your pitching career and you want to develop an explosive stride to help increase velocity and prevent arm injury then you must start this 16 week program today. For more information of the 3X Pitching Velocity program continue visit the home page.
Great explanation of what the body is suppose to be doing during the pitching motion . If you're a dad , this information is priceless for your sons carear ! ! ! For the non -beleavers ," good luck " you're gamling on poor informatoin and bad results that will catch up with your son in time. Video tapeing will change you and your whole outkook on where to put your TRUST ,and WHO to trust . Since Connor has implimented the tuff -cuff work-out program and 3x pitching system ( mechanics ) into his routene his attitude and focus on mechanics are off the chart . Very excited about his upcoming season as a soph. pitcher on the varsity . The pitching coach will be suprised in his physical and mechcanical changes . Connor said throwing now feels effortless and looks smooth . Thanks for being there with real facts and information that produce Results . ( url ) ( posted as hardrock 733 ) @ youtube