This video covers the revolutionary 3X Pitching mechanical component called, 3X Torsion. This elite pitching mechanical component is the foundation of the 3X Pitching Velocity Program Level 3. If you are new to 3X Pitching then please signup for the FREE 3-part Video Series on 30 Days to 5MPH. This video series will teach you the basics of 3X Pitching which will give you the education you need to understand and learn this critical high-velocity component called 3X Torsion.
If you want to learn even more about 3X Torsion and more important, how to implement the component into your pitching delivery so you can benefit from it then you need to check out the 3X Pitching Velocity Program Level 3. If you do not have the Level 1 or 2 programs then visit the home page to learn more.
The 3X Pitching Velocity Program Level 1,2,3 is a systematic approach to developing the high-velocity pitcher. It is one of the only systematic pitching velocity programs that you can find that has proven success and a scientific foundation.
Please send me your 3 part video series. Love the information and am looking forward to more. Thanks for what you do.
You can find the link to sign up for the video series under our resources tab in the upper right-hand corner. Click on the tab that says “5-10 MPH course,” I hope you enjoy the content!