This is the first episode of the @TopVelocity #PitchingTips show. In this episode I cover how to handle the failure of the game, early trunk rotation, low arm cocking, early hip rotation and the lift leg progression. If you would like to ask a question for the show then go to and tweet your question @TopVelocity #PitchingTips and I will answer it on the next episode.
I have had a great response to the show. This is a great opportunity for you to start your education on becoming a high velocity pitcher. Most pitchers in this game have a very poor understanding of the science behind high velocity pitching, so get the advantage and start your education today here at
In this video you can get the full question to the answers below. I will also add in more detail in this article for those who want more info. If you do not have a question for the show please at least like the video and subscribe to my youtube channel.
How to Deal with Failure in Baseball?
How do you stop trying too hard and choking? @TopVelocity #pitchingtips
— Oh My Garth (@Garthyboycahill) August 15, 2014
This is a great questions! Baseball is a challenging game. It is a game of failure where most of the best players in the game fail more than they succeed. In return it creates a game full of egos because it takes a big one to survive the game.
The best advice for dealing with the failure that comes with baseball is to first accept that this is the game I have chosen to play. I am going to fail, a lot but I promise myself I am not going to quit. I am going to pick myself up and do it again until I get it right. If that is your attitude and you are prepare for it then you should be caught off guard which is what causes must frustration in this game.
What is a good leg lift?
What does the proper leg lift look like and should you angle leg lift to help start your hips coming forward? @TopVelocity #PitchingTips
— Kevin J. Walsh (@KevinJWalsh2) August 15, 2014
Another good question, a proper leg lift is a passive lift not too aggressive that follows the lead of the hips. Most low velocity pitchers start poorly with the leg lift. They either lift to hard and start the hips too late or they lift and throw the lift leg out before the hips ever can catch up. High velocity pitchers take a more passive approach with the leg lift and then either start early with the hips moving forward or they are more aggressive with the hips going forward.
How to Prevent Early Trunk Rotation?
TJ asked this question and I can not find it on my twitter account so I didn't embed his tweet here. Early trunk rotation is the opposite of counter rotation which is the result of closing the shoulders off as the hips begin to open. You can prevent early trunk rotation by both not allowing the glove side to pull across the body early and only let it turn over following hip rotation, also by becoming more dynamic with the drive leg bursting your speed into front foot strike to enhance more counter rotation.
How to Prevent Low Arm Cocking?
@TopVelocity #pitchingtips How do I get my son to stop collapsing his elbow to his side when he pitches? He is 11yes old. 5'2 100lbd
— Keith Plemons (@Batbuster_Coach) August 16, 2014
Yes, you can cock the arm or elbow too low at front foot strike. The ideal range is somewhere between 80 and 90 degrees of shoulder abduction. Too high of an arm cocking will put added stress on the shoulder and elbow. Too low of an arm cocking will prevent good shoulder abduction during maximum external rotation which is critical for arm care.
If someone is cocking the arm too low at front foot strike then this could be the result of weak shoulder strength, early trunk rotation, poor stride speed and a too rotational pitching delivery. Yes, a lot could be going wrong. The best approach is starting with the beginning of the delivery and then working up from there and at the same time developing the upper body strength. The 3X Pitching Velocity Program takes this same approach and would be very effective in solving this problem.
How to Stay Closed Longer and shift weight later?
@TopVelocity #pitchingtips How to stop the front foot from pointing upwards and causing premature opening of the hips during the stride
— andrew slattery (@Slatts53) August 17, 2014
The key to building a high velocity stride is learning to stay closed longer and shift weight later with more speed. We go back to the question on the leg lift here. If we let the lift leg get out early and leave the hips behind then this is what we get, a front foot point up going into front foot strike and early rotation of the hips in the stride. Basically fix the initial leg lift movement as advised above and this problem should be solved.
Leg Lift vs Slide Step for 3X
@TopVelocity #pitchingtips any mechanical adv. to leg lift vs slide step in initiating 3x?
— Ryan Murphy (@murph4189) August 17, 2014
When learning the 3X approach to developing a high velocity pitching delivery it is best to work out of a slide step until you have mastered all the mechanics at front foot strike to pitch release. Then from here you can advance to a more dynamic leg lift and load. In the first two level's of training in the 3X Pitching Velocity Program you will work to master front foot strike to pitch release then level 3 develops the more dynamic leg lift into load.
If you would like to ask a question for the show please go to and post your question @Topvelocity #PitchingTips.