It's a common misconception that you have to be young in order to increase pitching velocity and reach your pitch velocity potential. As it turns out, this is not the case at all! You can start working on your pitch velocity early on in life and make continual improvements as you get older. In this article, we will discuss some tips on how to achieve this and the much more knowledge you need to have on pitch velocity.
You will also learn about how the 3X Pitching Velocity Program is the best way to reach your velocity potential!
How to Increase Pitching Velocity and Why is it Important
Pitch velocity is the speed at which a pitched ball travels. It is important for pitchers because the faster the ball is thrown, the more difficult it is for the batter to hit. In addition, pitch velocity can help pitchers get batters out by overpowering them or by throwing pitches that are too fast for them to hit.
There are many factors that influence pitch velocity, including age. In general, pitching speed tends to peak in the late teenage years and then decline gradually as you age if you don't work at it. However, this does not mean that you cannot continue to increase your pitching speed as you get older. There are several things you can do to improve your pitching speed and reach your full potential.
Important Steps on How to Increase Pitching Velocity
- practicing regularly
- using proper pitching mechanics
- warming up properly before pitching
- using appropriate weightlifting exercises
- eating a healthy athletic diet
All of these things will help you improve your pitching motion and velocity to become a better pitcher. By focusing on your pitching speed and practicing regularly, you can continue to improve your pitching skills as you age.
Here is the Average Speed of Different Age Groups
Did you know that the average pitcher's throwing velocity changes as you age? That's right - different age groups have different averages when it comes to pitching speed.
So what does this mean for aspiring pitchers? It means that you don't have to be a teenager to achieve your full potential and throw hard. You can start working on your pitching motion and speed early on in life and make continual improvements as you get older.
How to Increase Pitching Velocity by Age
Fastball: 80 – 95 mph
Knuckleball: 55 – 70 mph
Changeup: 70 – 85 mph
Around 10 Years
Fastball: 40 – 50 mph
Knuckleball: 25 – 35 mph
Changeup: 30 – 40 mph
Around 13-14 Years
Fastball: 55 – 75 mph
Knuckleball: 30 – 50 mph
Changeup: 45 – 65 mph
Around 11-12 Years
Fastball: 50 – 60 mph
Knuckleball: 30 – 40 mph
Changeup: 40 – 50 mph
High School
Fastball: 75 – 85 mph
Knuckleball: 50 – 60 mph
Changeup: 65 – 75 mph
The Biomechanics of How to Increase Pitching Velocity
When trying to increase ball speed, it's important to understand the biomechanics of throwing. The kinetic chain is a sequence of body movements that create the force necessary to throw a ball hard. If any link in the chain is weak or dysfunctional, it will impact the pitcher's ability to generate power.
That's why it's important for young pitchers to learn the proper pitching delivery and build a strong kinetic chain. This will help them achieve maximum pitching velocity as they age. There are many different pitching drills that can help improve kinetics, such as the medicine ball drill or the pitching ladder drill.
These drills work on strengthening the muscles and joints that are involved in pitching. They also help improve coordination and timing, which are essential for generating power. By practicing these drills regularly, pitchers can develop a strong kinetic chain and reach their full pitching potential.
3X Pitching 6 Basic Components of Pitching
The 3X Pitching Velocity Program will teach and train you how to develop these basic 6 mechanical components along with another 50+ advanced components. This will help you unlock the velocity in your pitching motion.
Lift Leg Momentum
The old-school coaching cue for the leg lift was the balance point. This doesn't make much sense because there is no one point you want to be balanced or establish a balance point. You always want to be at a balance point through the delivery. I would advise against this old coaching style of the balance point.
Following maximum lead knee height it isn't good to stop moving so you want to let your center of mass which is your pelvis and core fall forward and down at the same rate without letting your lead leg fly open.
The Load Position
After the lead leg and lead knee have peaked and the pelvis and core have moved forward and down at the same rate then baseball pitchers must establish the load position. This occurs just after the leg kick. The drive leg must be holding the body weight well so it can peak momentum into landing.
The position of the drive leg must have the shin in a linear position pointing towards the target and be in triple flexion which is the ankle, knee, and hip flexion. The trunk should be stacked on top of this position.
Triple Extension & Separation
From the Load Position, the stride length will be determined by the power of the drive leg to triple extend into landing. This is the extension of the ankle, knee, and hip flexor. It is critical that the drive leg is firing and the trunk and shoulders are delaying back. This will help optimize trunk rotation velocity as the trunk lags behind the hip rotation. If the trunk delays then the hips and shoulders are separating. This prevents the throwing arm lagging.
Triple extension of the drive leg is when ground reaction forces peaked and transferred to the landing leg. Triple extension must occur just before the stride foot lands.
Chest Thrust External Rotation
Maximum external rotation will occur as the shoulders are rotating and the trunk is moving forward as the result of the uncoiling of hip and shoulder separation coupling with the power production from the lower half.
Allowing the chest to thrust forward will increase forward trunk tilt before the arm releases which is the key to pushing on the energy moving from the ground up to the ball. Pulling the glove side during this component will disrupt this transfer of energy. The glove should just turn over and tuck down.
Elbow Extension Internal Rotation Pronation
The energy moving through the trunk is the energy that will increase elbow flexion velocity while extending the throwing elbow. The rotation of the throwing shoulder will launch the arm into forward rotation and wrist pronation even though wrist flexion will remain until after releasing the ball. This keeps the forces pushing behind the ball.
When practicing these mechanics work mainly with a four seam grip.
2X Stabilization
Reverse back to stride foot contact. This is when the front foot landed. The high velocity pitcher at stride foot contact will not allow any lead knee movement. Many will also extend the front leg before they release the ball.
How to Increase Pitching Velocity
As an athlete, you want to be the best you can be. And as a pitcher, you want to throw as hard as you can. But did you know that you don't have to be a teenager to achieve your pitching potential? You can start working on your throwing velocity early on in life and make continual improvements as you get older.
Here are some more tips on how to increase your ball velocity
Strive for good mechanics
Make sure your pitching motion is smooth and efficient. This will help you generate more power and velocity.
Strengthen your muscles
The stronger your muscles are, the more power you'll be able to generate. Work on strengthening your shoulder, arm, back, core, and leg muscles.
Increase your mobility
Increased flexibility will help improve your range of motion and allow you to throw with more speed and accuracy.
Practice, practice, practice!
The more you practice, the better you'll become at throwing hard pitches.
If you follow these tips, you'll be on your way to throwing harder than ever before!
The Benefits of Increased Pitching Velocity
When it comes to pitching, there is no age limit on how hard you can throw. In fact, as you get older, you have the potential to throw even harder than you ever have before. With the right approach and dedication, you can achieve pitching velocity that will surpass your teenage years.
There are many benefits to pitching with increased velocity. Perhaps the most obvious is that it makes you a more formidable opponent on the mound. But there are other benefits as well. Pitching with more velocity can help you strike out more batters, and it can also help you control the ball better. Additionally, pitching with greater velocity can help increase your endurance and pitching range, which can be extremely valuable in a long game.
How to Increase Pitching Velocity
So how do you go about achieving greater pitching velocity?
Here are some tips:
1) Start young - One of the best ways to achieve great pitching velocity is to start young. When your body is still growing and developing, you have the potential to throw harder than at any other time in your life.
So start working on your pitching velocity early on and make continual improvements as you get older. If you are young do not waste any more time starting an advanced pitching velocity training system like here at TopVelocity because the more years you put into it the more elite your pitching ability will become.
2) Train hard - In order to increase pitching velocity, you need to put in the hard work in training. This means lifting weights, doing conditioning drills, and practicing regularly. The more effort you put into your training, the greater gains you will see in terms of pitching velocity.
3) Stay focused - It's important to stay focused on your goals if you want to increase ball velocity. Make sure that every day when you go out to practice or play a game, you are doing everything possible to reach your full potential. Don't get discouraged if things don't go perfectly; just keep working hard and stay focused on your ultimate goal.
4) Use proper pitching delivery. Having good pitching motion is essential if you want to achieve high pitching velocities. Make sure to practice your pitching motion and master them so that you can throw the ball with maximum speed and accuracy.
5) Stay healthy. This one is obviously key if you want to achieve high pitching velocities. Make sure to take care of your body and eat a healthy athletic diet so that you're in top condition when it comes time to pitch.
Increasing ball velocity is something that can be done at any age with the right approach. By following these tips, you can achieve greater pitching velocity than ever before and become a more formidable opponent on the mound.
Pitchers Who Have Achieved How to Increase Pitching Velocity
There are a number of pitchers in Major League Baseball who have achieved high pitching velocities. These pitchers have worked hard to increase their pitching velocity as they've gotten older, and they continue to make improvements year after year.
Pitchers who have achieved high pitching velocities have worked hard to achieve their results. In order to increase your pitching velocity as you age, you'll need to put in the same amount of hard work. There are a number of things you can do to improve your pitching velocity, and the following are some of the most important:
Strengthen your upper body
One of the best ways to increase ball velocity is to strengthen your pitching muscles. These muscles include the shoulder muscles, the biceps, and the triceps. You can do this by lifting weights or doing other exercises that target these muscles.
Be Evaluated
It is critical if you want to reach your highest potential you need an evaluation system that can measure where you are and show you what separates you from your potential. Then you need the program to help you develop this as you re-evaluate to track your progress. The 3X Pitching Velocity program does all of this for you!
Biomechanical analysis
It's important to use proper pitching mechanics if you want to increase your pitching speed. This includes following a specific pitching motion and you need a system that will educate you on the exact motion for you. The 3X Pitching Velocity Program also has this education for you along with technology to evaluate it.
Increasing pitching speed as you age may not be easy, but it's definitely possible with hard work and dedication. Put in the effort and you'll see improvements in your pitching velocity in no time.
Tips on How to Increase Pitching Velocity
As you get older, it's important to continue working on your pitching speed. Even if you achieved your maximum potential at a younger age, you can still make improvements as you get older.
Here are some more tips on how to achieve this!
Stay in shape: How to Increase Pitching Velocity
Pitching is a very strenuous activity, and in order to achieve your maximum pitching potential, you need to be in good physical condition. Make sure to stay in shape by practicing other sports and exercises that will keep you healthy and strong.
Practice everyday: How to Increase Pitching Velocity
In order to improve your pitching speed, you need to practice consistently. This means training regularly and participating in pitching drills, exercises, and lifts that will help you develop the necessary skills for the elite level.
Use medicine balls: How to Increase Pitching Velocity
Medicine balls are a great way to increase pitching speed. By using these balls, you'll be able to train your muscles for faster pitching speeds.
Take care of your upper body: How to Increase Pitching Velocity
Pitching can take a toll on your upper body like your arm if not done correctly. Make sure to take care of your arm by stretching and warming up properly before pitching. This will help reduce the risk of injury and allow you to pitch longer without fatigue.
By following these tips, you can continue to improve your pitching velocity as you age. Don't let anyone tell you that age is a barrier to reaching your pitching potential - with hard work and dedication, you can throw just as fast at any age!
How to Increase Pitching Velocity with 3X Pitching Velocity Program
Although it might seem like you’re at a disadvantage if you don’t start pitching hard until your late teens or early twenties, that doesn’t mean you can’t achieve your full potential. You just have to be willing to put in the work and make continual improvements over time. Here are some tips on how to increase pitching velocity as you age so that you can reach your goals!
If you want to increase pitching velocity as you age, look no further. The 3x Pitching Velocity Program is the perfect guide to help you achieve your pitching goals. This program is designed for anyone who wants to improve their pitching skills, regardless of age. Purchase the 3x Pitching Velocity Program today and start throwing harder than ever before!
Register for the 3X Velocity Camp
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What is the recommended age for this program?
nine and up. We typically get a lot of 14-18 year olds who are looking to increase their velocity before going to college. Are you asking for yourself or a relative?
I’m an older pitcher (59) playing amateur baseball. What additional concerns do i need to worry about when trying to increase my pitching velocity?
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