Baseball Pitching Velocity Training

If you are a catcher looking to improve your pop time and take your game to the next level, the 2X Sub 2.0 Pop time Program by TopVelocity may be the perfect solution for you. This program is designed to help catchers instantly optimize their pop time and reach the elite sub 2.0 range that all scouts are looking for. In this article, we will explore the benefits of the 2X Sub 2.0 Pop time Program and how it can help you achieve your goals.

The importance of pop time

Pop time refers to the time it takes for the ball to travel from the catcher's glove to the second baseman's glove. Most coaches and scouts agree that a pop time of 1.8-2.0 seconds is ideal for a catcher. However, achieving this level of pop time requires both athleticism and technique. The 2X Sub 2.0 Pop time Program focuses on both of these aspects to help catchers reach their full potential.

The mechanics of the 2X Sub 2.0 Pop time Program

The 2X Sub 2.0 Pop time Program is built on the concept of the kinetic chain, which refers to the sequence of movements that occur during the throwing motion. By developing power early in the movement and timing the correct movements up the kinetic chain, catchers can more efficiently and effectively convert this power into the force on the ball. This leads to faster pop-up times and increased ball velocity.

The strength and conditioning program

The 2X Sub 2.0 Pop time Program includes a strength and conditioning program that is critical to the success of the program. Without sufficient force production, it is almost impossible to perfect the mechanics of the program. The strength and conditioning program helps catchers develop the power they need to make the most of the 2X Sub 2.0 Pop time Program's mechanics.

The 2X Sub 2.0 Pop time Program is a comprehensive approach to improving pop time that combines technique and strength and conditioning to help catchers reach their full potential. If you are a catcher looking to take your game to the next level, consider joining the 2X Sub 2.0 Pop time Program to instantly optimize your pop time and become an elite player.

2X Sub 2.0 Pop Time Program