Throwing velocity is an important aspect of pitching in baseball. It can be improved with proper training and technique. In this article, we will cover four "pitching velocity hacks" from Brent Pourciau of that can help pitchers increase their throwing velocity or optimize it for their game. These hacks can be implemented during the offseason for development, and then used in the preseason and in-season bullpens for preparation.
Pitching Velocity HACKS - Torsion
Torsion is a key element of the pitching delivery that can impact throwing velocity. As described by Brent Pourciau, torsion is a twisting force that helps to create stability in the hip position and allows for a coiling of energy in the delivery. High velocity pitchers tend to have a more stable hip position, while low velocity pitchers tend to have an unstable hip position. This is because torsion helps to stabilize the legs and prevent instability that can lead to injuries and reduced velocity.
To create torsion in the delivery, Pourciau suggests putting the foot flush on the rubber and turning the femur into the rubber to create stability. This twist is aided by flexion in the hip and counter rotation in the hips, which allows for a coiling of energy. To train torsion, Pourciau recommends using the Velopro, a belt that can be worn around the ankle and hip to help maintain stability.
The 3X Pitching Velocity Program, developed by Pourciau, is designed to help pitchers improve torsion and other elements of their delivery to increase throwing velocity. The program includes a variety of drills and exercises that are designed to train torsion and other key components of the delivery. By following the 3X Pitching Velocity Program, pitchers can improve their torsion and overall delivery to increase their throwing velocity.
Explosive Hip Extension
Explosive hip extension is another important element of the pitching delivery that can impact throwing velocity. As described by Brent Pourciau, explosive hip extension involves the rapid extension and contraction of the hip muscles to generate power and velocity in the delivery. To train explosive hip extension, Pourciau recommends using the King of the Hill, a plate that can be used to train the drive, and triple extension of the drive. This helps to teach how the legs must work with the ground to power hip extension.
In addition to the King of the Hill, Pourciau suggests using a heavy ball to throw against a wall or with a target to train how the legs transfer forces to the upper body. This helps to build the kinetic chain and prepare the body for the demands of a high velocity delivery.
The 3X Pitching Velocity Program, developed by Pourciau, is designed to help pitchers improve explosive hip extension and other elements of their delivery to increase throwing velocity. The program includes a variety of drills and exercises that are designed to train explosive hip extension and other key components of the delivery. By following the 3X Pitching Velocity Program, pitchers can improve their explosive hip extension and overall delivery to increase their throwing velocity.
Hip and Shoulder Separation
Hip and shoulder separation is an important element of the pitching delivery that can impact throwing velocity. Hip and shoulder separation refers to the separation between the hip and shoulder on the throwing side of the body as the pitcher goes through the delivery. This separation helps to create a stretch in the muscles and allows for the transfer of energy from the lower body to the upper body, resulting in increased velocity.
To enhance hip and shoulder separation in the delivery, pitchers can focus on maintaining good posture and balance throughout the delivery. This involves keeping the head and chest up and maintaining a stable base on the back leg. Pitchers can also focus on creating a strong separation between the hip and shoulder by driving the back hip forward and rotating the shoulder back as they go through the delivery.
The 3X Pitching Velocity Program, developed by Brent Pourciau, is designed to help pitchers improve hip and shoulder separation and other elements of their delivery to increase throwing velocity. The program includes a variety of drills and exercises that are designed to train hip and shoulder separation and other key components of the delivery. By following the 3X Pitching Velocity Program, pitchers can improve their hip and shoulder separation and overall delivery to increase their throwing velocity.
Trunk Rotation
Trunk rotation is the last of the 4 Pitching Velocity HACKS that can impact throwing velocity. As described by Brent Pourciau, trunk rotation involves the rotation of the upper body in the delivery, which helps to generate power and velocity. To train trunk rotation, Pourciau recommends using the 3X Med Ball Drills, these are drills that can be performed before throwing with resistance to challenge the pitcher's ability to power trunk rotation. This helps to build core strength and power, which is essential for generating velocity.
In addition to the 3X Med Ball Drills, Pourciau suggests using the TopV Sled to develop a more explosive lower half. This helps to build leg and core strength and power and prepare the muscles for the demands of high-velocity delivery.
The 3X Pitching Velocity Program, developed by Pourciau, is designed to help pitchers improve trunk rotation and other elements of their delivery to increase throwing velocity. The program includes a variety of drills and exercises that are designed to train trunk rotation and other key components of the delivery. By following the 3X Pitching Velocity Program, pitchers can improve their trunk rotation and overall delivery to increase their throwing velocity.
In summary, there are four key "pitching velocity hacks" that pitchers can use to increase their throwing velocity: torsion, explosive hip extension, hip and shoulder separation, and trunk rotation. By incorporating these techniques into their training and delivery, pitchers can optimize their velocity for their game and take their performance to the next level.
Remote Training Through These Pitching Velocity HACKS
One of the unique aspects of the 3X Pitching Velocity Program is that it can be completed remotely. This means that pitchers can access the program and complete the drills and exercises from anywhere, as long as they have access to the necessary equipment. This allows pitchers to train at their own pace and schedule, without the need to travel to a physical training facility.
To get started with the 3X Pitching Velocity Program, pitchers can sign up at Once they have signed up, they will have access to the program and all of the drills and exercises that are included. By following the program and consistently training, pitchers can improve their delivery and increase their throwing velocity.