Every pitcher has more than likely experienced arm pain at some point or had a pitching arm injury. Pain is not something that should be ignored. Pain is your body's check engine light coming on and saying, “There is something wrong!” Arm injuries have skyrocketed to...
At this point in my coaching career, arm injury for the pitcher is no longer a mystery for me and it shouldn't be for you after joining the 3X Pitching Programs. I survived a rotator cuff tear in my pitching career in 1995, in my first college appearance, when...
Don't kill the messenger! I am bringing this case study, from MedStar Washington Hospital Center, to the baseball community for the purpose of educating the public. I know there will be those who may take this opportunity to attack me personally for doing this because...
You are in-season and you are pitching a lot and your arm hurts. This is a common problem in todays game. Studies show 58% of pitchers in high school experience elbow pain and 38% of high school pitchers experience shoulder pain (1). Should this kind of arm pain...
*WARNING: This article is not for the novice. I am not trying to insult the novice because we all are novices in something. This is a warning to inform you that this article may be too advanced for you at this time, so I would advise you to start first by signup for...