A popular and conventional topic of pitching mechanics is "Arm Path." This means the path the arm takes out of the glove into pitch release. Do you break your hands early or late? Do you swing the arm up or down? Do you through your elbows high or low? Do you break...
So, you have been told you have the inverted W or L and that it is going to ruin your career but no one can tell you how to correct it? Don't worry, you are about two minutes from the answer and the pitchers cure. Before I remedy you and save your pitching career, we...
There is a lot of controversy around why pitchers ice arm post game. After surgery I was very strict when it came to icing post game. I know that it isn't enough for me here to just say that, "Hey, I did it, so you should too." So, I took some time to research the web...
So you have pain triceps biceps pitching/throwing and it has more than likely been hurting for a while. You are searching the web for answers because you need this pain to go away so you can get back to business. I get it! I was you in my career. When I had pain...