The only way to improve pitching velocity I painstakingly put this article together to help you save a ton of time searching for ways to improve pitching velocity and to also entertain you in the process. Do you know how many people waste thousands of hours searching...
Think power and drive! The pitchers first few movements in his delivery is critical to his overall velocity. Just like a sprinters first step is more significant to his overall time than any other step in his sprint. If a pitcher fails to hit some key components in...
I get this question a lot because of the latest training gimmick that is showing up online called "Speed Chains." When I search the web for these velocity training aids I feel like it is 3 in the morning and I am watching infomercials. The first thing that always...
Most gimmicks on the internet, that claim to increase pitching velocity or just enhance pitching performance, mainly focus on the upper kinetic chain like the arm. This would include gimmicks like the latest "Speed Chains" and the old school "Weighted balls." They all...