Ultimately, your pitching coach is your boss. If you piss him off, there is a good chance you may be out of a job. The problem is if he is a BAD pitching coach, he could jeopardize your career. It has happened many times before. The key is to keep the coach happy,...
"Scap Loading" is the pinching of the shoulder blades or scapula during hip to shoulder separation. It is an important factor to velocity. Notice the picture here of Greg Maddux "Scap Loading". The question is, is "Scap Loading" a reaction to the stride or is it a...
The most important component to enhance pitching torque in the pitching delivery is what is called, "Separation." This is the separation of the hips and shoulders at front foot strike. This is what builds pitching torque mainly in the core instead of the arm. This...
Ok, the leg lift isn't only for "Show." There is a lot of momentum that can be generated by the leg lift which transfers into velocity. The question is, "How come pitchers who have big leg lift's in the wind up, when pitching in the stretch, have a lower leg lift but...