3D Doppler Radar Launches 3X Pitching

3D Doppler Radar Launches 3X Pitching

This may be the first sign of the beginning of a new era for baseball. A Danish company called Trackman has planted some 3D Doppler Radar's in Major League parks across the country and the data is revolutionary. They can scientifically produce data that shows why two...
The 3X Power Pitching Stride

The 3X Power Pitching Stride

Most young pitchers do not have the leg power (power is strength and speed) necessary to generate the energy needed, through the pitching stride, to reach their top velocity. If you are a pitcher who uses mainly your arm to generate velocity then you will find...

FAQ MLB Tryout Camps

Frequently Asked Questions About MLB Open Tryout Camps. *Note: The information below comes from Major League Baseball at MLB.com. Please read the frequently asked questions below before posting a comment or sending us an email. Q. "Who is in charge of your tryout...