I do not spend a lot of time coaching pitching grips, mainly because with a simple Google search you can get more than enough information of professional pitching grips. If you found this page from a simple Google search then I hope to give you more than just some...
Well, all good things come to an end. The Marlin's where hoping this end wouldn't have come so soon but it seems to definitely be a big problem for the Marlin's because Jose Fernandez was a dominate force on the mound for them. Yes, the young Jose Fernandez has...
Those who lack pitching velocity want to throw more pitches. The problem is this is a double edged sword. When your pitching velocity is poor, and you want to take the easy way out, you opt for ball movement. This involves trying, or successfully learning, offspeed...
Your success as a pitcher is riding on your fastball. Having too many pitches causes too many problems. Ever pitch you throw should be based off your fastball. This is why a slider is effective. This is why a change up is deceiving. If you are in high school and your...