The only way to improve pitching velocity I painstakingly put this article together to help you save a ton of time searching for ways to improve pitching velocity and to also entertain you in the process. Do you know how many people waste thousands of hours searching...
By Mark Brooks Since the Earliest baseball legends began breaking records, transforming into heroes and inspiring nations, there was an element to these player’s success that for the most part have been overlooked by society in how their success is achieved in the...
Long tossing has been a heated debate on in the past month. The day I posted my first article against the practice of "Extreme Long Tossing" I was contacted by Alan Jaeger with Jaeger Sports. Lets just say he wasn't happy with my research. The problem...
It is almost December, so this is your last chance for to get Bigger, Stronger, Faster before the season begins. For all those college pitchers and ball players getting ready for the season, don't be that guy who walks into spring with the Thanksgiving, Christmas...
I don't mean to mislead you with the title, Bringing Violence into the Pitching Delivery of Baseball. Some of you may have expected the first sentence to be something like, "Study proves that pitchers are more prone to violent behavior." This may be true for athletes...