Baseball Pitching Velocity Training

Thanks to Coach Robo, who recently brought my attention to a brand new case study on the Top Velocity forums, which actually tested the correlations of lower body power to throwing velocity. The case study was performed outside of the United States of America which makes perfect sense to me because the only way you are going to get an institute to break outside of the conventional wisdom of the game of baseball in this country, is if the institute is actually located outside of this country.
The documentation of the study actually begins by saying that there are numerous case studies proving that increased muscle strength and power do increase throwing velocity but the majority of these studies only focus on the upper body. Ahh, the ignorance of the culture of American Baseball, it is so refreshing! I have to congratulate the Aussies and the Canadians for not falling into this ignorance and searching outside of the box.
This case study, performed by the School of Human Kinetics and Recreation, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada  and the School of Human Movement Studies, Charles Sturt University, Panorama Avenue, Bathurst, AUSTRALIA, is not revolutionary when it comes to those who have studied the 3X approach to increasing pitching velocity but it is revolutionary to those who have never looked outside of the conventional wisdom of the game. The only reason I have put together this article to help publicise this study is because I am still trying to do my part and break the ignorance of the conventional wisdom of the game when it comes to training high velocity pitchers. This ignorance not only produces low velocity pitchers but it ruins many arms.

Lateral Jumps that Mimic the Throwing Stride Increase Pitching Velocity

Yes, this case study believes that the action of the throwing stride is the same as a unilateral jump in the frontal plane. Now I just lost most of the readers who are hardcore believers in slow controlled strides! Those who truly believe that high velocity pitchers move Up, Down and Out through the stride. I guess it was nice talking to you!
For those 3X supporters, here is more info that supports the claims of the 3X Pitching Velocity Program. The case study is called, Correlation of Throwing Velocity to the Results of Lower Body Field Tests in Male College Baseball Players. Here are the results from the study:

"Overall, this study found that lateral to medial jumps were consistently correlated with high throwing velocity in each of the throwing techniques, in both left and right handed throwers. This is the first study to correlate throwing velocity with a unilateral jump in the frontal plane, mimicking the action of the throwing stride."
Read the entire case study here:

Have you ever heard something so crazy in your life? I mean training a pitcher to jump laterally in the frontal plane will actually make him throw harder. This is Insanity®! Yes, I am actually referring to the popular plyometric workout that we all have seen in an infomercial late at night called, Insanity®. This program, along with any other program, especially the 3X Pitching Velocity Program Level 2 that uses lateral jumps in the frontal plane, will increase throwing velocity as proven in the case study above.

Power to Weight Ratio Another Key Factor to Pitching Velocity

On a less sarcastic note, this study also mentions the correlation of a power to weight ratio on effecting throwing velocity. The case study states:

"A multiple regression analysis (forward method), assessing the relationship between shuffle and stretch throwing velocities and lower body field test results determined that right handed throwing velocity from the stretch position were most strongly predicted by lateral to medial jump right (LMJR) and body weight (BW)"

This means lower body power and body weight work together to support pitching velocity. This is a key factor in the 3X Pitching Velocity Program. If you view all of the 3X Goals that the 3X Pitchers have listed on the Top Velocity Forums, you will see the Body Weight variable. For a lateral jump to increase pitching velocity the pitcher must be able to move his body off of the ground. This means body weight comes into play. If the pitcher can not build more lower body power than his own body weight then his jump will suffer and pitching velocity will not increase.
The lesson here is that when developing a strength and conditioning program, like with the Fusion System in the 3X Pitching Velocity Program, you must take into consideration hypertrophy. This is muscle growth. You want a program that will support massive power gains with little muscle hypertrophy. The key is in the type of lifts and the ratio of reps to weight. The types of lifts that are perfect for increasing a pitchers power to weight ratio is the Olympic Lifts but you will need a program that uses these lift and its variations and is still specific to the pitcher. The 3X Pitching Velocity Program is that program!