Here is a Baseball Pitching Velocity Chart from Youth to Professional. If you are curious about how hard you should be throwing based on your age group or how you compare when it comes to pitching velocity amongst your peers then here is a pitching velocity chart from youth to professional baseball. This is just a range of low-velocity to high-velocity pitching based on a specific age. This should only be used to gain an idea of how hard you should be throwing. If you are not in these ranges or you are above or below these ranges it isn't an issue. You are just falling outside the averages.
If you are concerned about your pitching velocity based on your age then I would highly recommend you check out the 3X Pitching Velocity Program or the 2X Velocity Program for position players. In the chart below you will learn the ranges of pitching velocity for ages 8-22+. These are just ranges based on averages for all youth to professional pitchers. This chart could change at any time based on the evolution of the pitcher in the game of baseball.
Baseball Pitching Velocity Chart from age 8-22+
Age | Level | Low Velocity | High Velocity |
8 | Youth | 36 | 42 |
9 | Youth | 37 | 50 |
10 | Youth | 41 | 55 |
11 | Youth | 43 | 59 |
12 | Youth | 47 | 61 |
13 | Youth | 55 | 66 |
14 | High School | 63 | 73 |
15 | High School | 65 | 74 |
16 | High School | 69 | 80 |
17 | High School | 71 | 85 |
18 | College | 75 | 92 |
19 | College | 79 | 93 |
20 | College | 82 | 94 |
21 | College | 84 | 95 |
22+ | Professional | 86 | 100 |
The chart below is based on MLB data showing the average pitching velocities based on age. 26 years old is the best age for top velocity through an MLB career. 30 years and up is when pitching velocity takes a sharp decline.
Why do Some Pitchers Throw Harder Than Others?
The answer to why some athletes throw harder than others is actually quite simple. Successful high velocity pitchers have been shown to have more external rotation after front foot strike, a more forward trunk tilt, and are able to generate more power with their muscular, skeletal, and chemical make-up, through the stretch-shortening cycle, during external rotation. While this may be a tough concept for those just starting their velocity training to understand. It is no less essential for youth athletes to begin understanding the finer details of the pitching delivery and see the maximum benefits from their training program. While the ability to achieve these techniques may seem far off for you. Don't let that stop you from striving to perfect and perform at your maximum potential. With the 3x Pitching velocity training program we have everything laid out for you to have the success you are looking for in your velocity training process.
Understanding Pitching Velocity Training for Longevity
The idea that you need to be youthful in order to increase throwing velocity and reach your pitching velocity potential is a frequent one. It turns out that this is not at all the case! Early in childhood, you can begin improving your pitch velocity, and as you age, those improvements will continue.
When it comes to velocity training, training hard, staying focused, using proper pitching delivery, and staying healthy are all critical components that will help prolong a player's career. Everything you need to continually improve your mechanics and maintain your pitching performance can be found laid out for you in the 3x pitching velocity development program. You can also take advantage of the free resources available on our website to help develop your knowledge of how you can start training to see an increase in your velocity training. I will attach the links to some of the articles that will provide the most benefits and focus solely on training for velocity.
Baseball Pitching Velocity Program
This program has helped tons of pitchers live the dream of throwing 90+mph and signing with a D1 University, getting drafted by a Major League Organization, and making it back to Major League Baseball. Many scouts in all organizations of baseball have recommended this program to help young pitchers get to the 90+mph range to improve their value at the next level. The reason the 3X Extreme Pitching Velocity Program works is that it is based on science and it has been proven to develop the 90+mph fastball on thousands of pitchers. It isn't rocket science or voodoo, it is the real deal! The program comes with a high-level workload of drills, lifts, and exercises scientifically programmed to enhance throwing speed on the mound while developing an efficient pitching delivery.
The format of the 3X Pitching Velocity Program is similar to the same approach Olympic throwers have been using for decades to increase throwing velocity. This approach isn't new to the sports world but it is new to baseball. If you are serious about your career and are insanely driven to put yourself into an extremely small percentage of pitchers who are potential D1 prospects, top level draft picks or you just want to reach your potential on the mound then this program is the best chance you have to make your dreams come true. Learn more about the 3X Extreme Pitching Velocity Program or get started TODAY by adding 5-10+mph!
Articles Related to Velocity Training and Continued Athletic Development
Most Effective Ways to Enhance Pitching Velocity
Increase Your Pitching Speed with Olympic Lifts
What are the Best Pitching Drills for Youth?
How do You Fix Throwing Mechanics in Baseball?
Fleisig GS, Barrentine SW, Zheng N, Escamilla RF, Andrews JR. Kinematic and kinetic comparison of baseball pitching among various levels of development. J Biomech. 1999 Dec;32(12):1371-5. doi: 10.1016/s0021-9290(99)00127-x. PMID: 10569718.
When I was 12 I was throwing 75
No u didn’t u prob threw 45 scrub I throw 73 and I’m 12 now just turned 12
And your telling stories also.
i just turned 14 and i throw 79 and im 5,9
i just turned 14 and i throw 79 and i am 5,9
I just turned 79 and I throw 98mph
I’d like to see this. I highly doubt you can throw over 60
You keep telling that story.
I am just turned 12 and I throw 65
im 13 5,9 throwing about 80
WHAT Im still 10 and i still can’t top 50. yesterday i was doing bp and 56 was so super fast. (btw i play baseball)
I’m 12 and to us 56 is on the slower side I expect around 63-70 and as a pitcher I throw and hit I can throw 65 but it definitely hurts your arm keep practicing and you’ll get better
I’m 65 and trying to add velocity for pitching. I can only throw about 53 mph now but will use 6 lb medicine ball. I hope it helps
If you are performing the 3X Med Ball Throws we only recommend 2lbs.
I am 11 years old and I throw In between 50-56 MPH, how can I gain velo fast?
I would check out the account where Brent Pourciau, personally, takes you through all the drills and will help you improve your velocity.
Hey I am doing a baseball research study for my physical therapy program and was wondering if you could point me in the direction of where this data was originally published so I can reference it. Thanks!
As a 73 yo pitcher in an over 50 league on full sized diamonds, I have lost the capability of throwing a fast ball 60ft6in without ‘spiking’ it. When I use a weighted ball there is no problem. When I play 1B, throws around the Diamond are fine, but on the mound… the fast ball goes directly down to about 45′. How should I approach fixing this?
Hey Im 27 years old, I used to throw 87mph. Now im trying to get back into it. What should be the best approach?
Should I start by measuring how fast im throwing now and then train.?
I just turned 15 and I mainly play shortstop but I also do a little pitching and I can throw up to 77mph. How fast do you think I will be able to throw by the time I am an adult ?
I throw 66 on mound and I’m 11. I want to throw 95+ by the time I’m 18. Do you think it is possible to gain 2-5 mph every year.
Yes, I think it is entirely possible. I actually was able to gain 9 ticks in one year. Just practice, and you should be good.
P.S., I recommend long toss
I’m 19 and I’m 6’6 214 lbs and I can throw up to 98
I’m 47 years old and throw 82 mph. I’m 6’2 200lbs.
My son is 11 he is only 65 lbs wet and he hits 44 to 48. The other pitchers on his team weight 25 to
35 lbs more than him and throw 50 to 65. Does the kid’s weight have anything todo with Velocity? I only see stuff on age not weight.
No. I’ve to many college style workouts trying to get better and they always say mass equals gas. I’m 17 and weight 160 and I’m the smallest on the team but I throw the fastest. (92) just incorporate bands in his practices and he was throw much harder. I increased 12 mph in a year doing bands. What ever you do don’t throw heavy balls I’ve seen many people mess up there arms with it. I hope this helps kinda
I am 17 and I am throwing 85-87
I’m 16 and throw 79 I want 84-87 my senior year and recommendations?
90-95 is a realistic goal for you. Aim for that
I am 13 and throwing 75 to 77 what do I need to do to get my fastball to 80 by the end of the year
I am 14 and 9 months old and throw 82 at a height of 5 foot 7 and 125lbs
I’m 16, a junior in high school, and throw 79 do you thinks it’s possible for me to hit 90 my senior year?
If so any recommendations for drills that could help?
I am 12 throwing 87 i am not sure if thats good or not.
I am 13 and throw low 70s. I train very hard, 5-6 days a week trying to get my mechanics better. I weightlift, do bands, lessons once or twice a week and I am very dedicated. Do you think I could hit 90+ my senior year.
I’m 13 and throw 74 but pull down 78-80 how can I improve me velo before I go to high school I am already being watched by many scouts but I don’t know how to impress them
My son is 13 and was radar gunned sitting at 71 and max at 73 mph pitching . Is that a good number and can he potentially reach 95s in high school ?
I’m 12 and I throw 96, is that good? Might need to do some more band work.
I’m 9 and my max is 55.
My son just topped at 87 today. He is a 17 year old senior. Keep in mind Velo isn’t everything. You still have to be sure you’re throwing strikes. Good Luck All! Pitching is a hard gig!
My son Is from the DR and throws 95 at 9 years old. Is that good and what can I do to have him hit 100s by the time he’s 10?
Do you have any videos of his pitch for me to analyze?
I miss pitching. Wish I didn’t dislocate my shoulder when I was 16 – after I dislocated it when throwing over 60mph my shoulder would slide out. I miss being on the mound, not a care in the world (not even the current count on the batter). Just rock and fire!
I know I threw hard, but I never officially had my throws clocked. The only interaction I had was a Guess Your Speed game that was setup at a youth baseball tournament. My friend dropped 15 dollars for me to warm up and see how fast I could throw because he knew I pitched and really wanted to see how hard I could. Every third pitch you guessed what your speed would be and you could win a prize if you guess right.
Each dollar gave you 3 throws. After 12 dollars spent and I was warmed up I felt like I was throwing pretty good, flirting with low 80mph. I thought it was fast for my age.
I started leaning into my throws more and I was hit 86mph and I felt like I was throwing hard.
Dollar 13: my third pitch I guessed 86mph, I threw 88mph.
Dollar 14: my third pitch I guess 89mph (I felt like I was throwing hard, about as hard as I could), I threw 91mph.
Dollar 15: my first pitch 92mph, my second pitch 94mph. I felt I couldn’t throw any harder, my third pitch I guess 94mph, I threw 95mph.
I had people offering to pay for more throws to see if I could hit 100, but I declined. It wasn’t worth hurting myself for a carnival type game. As to how accurate the speed gun was at that Guess Your Speed game, I’m not sure, but if it was accurate…dang, only being 16 and throwing 95mph.
If the info in this writing is true that most pitchers don’t hit their top velocity until they’re 26, I wonder how fast I may have been able to throw if I had another 10 years of pitching….
I dislocated my shoulder later that year and even after physical therapy and a rigorous workout routine, my should just slides right out when I throw hard. Perhaps surgery would have fixed it, but that was just a guess. Even if I had surgery there was no guarantee I’d be able to throw hard like I was so I opted to not have it and moved on in life. I miss it though, pitching. It is my only regret in life that a stupid choice caused my injury and it took me off the mound.
As I walk my dog through the nearby park and watch young kids playing baseball, they look to be maybe 12, I never see any kids pitching well. They have massive windups, but don’t put their body into it and just flail their arm forward and the baseball just lobs lazily through the air. No one seems to know how to teach kids how to pitch these days.
Oh well. Just reminiscing here mostly, reliving my childhood. My guess is no one will even read this and I won’t even be back to see if they have since I stumbled across some random write up about velocity/speed/pitching and last post even made was back in 2019.
Brent, at what age do you recommend a kid come do your two day camp?
Any age. What is important is do they want to commit at their current age to pitching at a high level. We will gear the programming for all ages.