In the first episode of the @Topvelocity #pitchingtips show we discussed some of the misconceptions of gaining velocity that guys have. A lot of people don’t understand what they are getting themselves into when they say they want to throw 90+ mph. Most people have...
If you are looking for ways to improve your pitching mechanics then there are more ways than just one. It is most effective when working to improve pitching mechanics that you use as many tools as possible to make you the best pitcher you can be. Before you set out to...
These top 10 reason you throw 80-85mph is going to really upset you. You found this page because you have a major problem in this game; you are average and you know average will get you no where. How many guys in college baseball do you think can throw the ball...
This is what 3X Pitching is all about. Helping pitchers like Chris Fischer overcome adversity and reach their pitching velocity goals. Listen to this awesome interview with Chris Fischer who was cut last season in college baseball because he was only throwing 82 mph....