This video covers the revolutionary 3X Pitching mechanical component called, 3X Torsion. This elite pitching mechanical component is the foundation of the 3X Pitching Velocity Program Level 3. If you are new to 3X Pitching then please signup for the FREE 3-part Video...
So have you heard about the Velocity Pill? It is the magic bullet to pitching velocity. I have had it available on this website for years and the response I have received has been priceless. If you haven't learned about this pitching velocity pill, that will give you...
So you need velocity and you need it now! I get it. I was you. This is why I put together the top 10 pitching velocity workouts here so you don’t have to continue searching through all the junk online to actually find something that works. Yes, I am going to...
After my almost career ending rotator cuff injury, I decided to devote myself to understanding the body so I could somehow find a way back to the game I love. What I learned was I had bad mechanics as a young pitcher. I also learned that I did not train enough or when...