Separation is a major component to developing top velocity and longevity. Separation pitching means having separation from your back hip to back shoulder at front foot strike. Notice the picture here of Felix Hernandez. His back hip is pointing towards home plate and...
For more info on Coach Hatch visit The USA men's weightlifting head coach at the 2004 Olympic Games, Hatch was inducted into the USA Strength and Conditioning Coaches Hall of Fame's inaugural 14-member class in August 2003, along with Baton Rouge's...
Using steroids and growth hormone (GH) injections to boost testosterone growth hormone has more bad side effects than positive returns. This is why I speak against these illegal drugs. Through proper strength and conditioning, an athlete can naturally stimulate their...
by Chad Englehart Many athletes today have the desire to reach a higher level of athletics. Whether it is an athlete going from Jr. High to High School, or an athlete making the transition from high school to college athletics and the big one college to professional...