We all want to learn how to increase ball speed when pitching while reducing the chance of injury. Longevity in this game is as important as having one good year. The goal of any pitching velocity program should be to increase ball speed while reducing the chance of...
Does max distance long toss increase pitching velocity? If I can throw the ball 300 feet does that mean I can throw 90 mph? Is extreme long toss actually stretching my arm out to help it grow longer? Does max distance throws help with arm strength? These are some of...
Separation is a major component to developing top velocity and longevity. Separation pitching means having separation from your back hip to back shoulder at front foot strike. Notice the picture here of Felix Hernandez. His back hip is pointing towards home plate and...
I don't mean to mislead you with the title, Bringing Violence into the Pitching Delivery of Baseball. Some of you may have expected the first sentence to be something like, "Study proves that pitchers are more prone to violent behavior." This may be true for athletes...
Your success as a pitcher is riding on your fastball. Having too many pitches causes too many problems. Ever pitch you throw should be based off your fastball. This is why a slider is effective. This is why a change up is deceiving. If you are in high school and your...