If you read the countless articles on this site you will learn about a new term that has been brought into the pitching world. This term was first planted into the pitching delivery right here at TopVelocity.net. Maybe you found this website because you wanted to...
TopVelocity.net has been a very controversial source of information within the conventional wisdom of the game when it comes to training the power pitcher. This is because 3X Pitching promotes the use of Olympic Lifting to develop any low velocity pitcher into a...
My biggest pitching idol growing up was Nolan Ryan. I worshiped his Pitching Bible like it was, "The Bible." In this book he lists his everyday routines as a professional ball player, from what he ate to his strength training program. This was the first time I had...
If you want to play at the next level then you are going to have to increase your ability to generate power. Power is measured as both speed and strength. Increasing your bodies ability to generate power, along with total body mechanics, will enhance your potential to...
3X is an approach to pitching that is very different from what you have been taught in your career. It is the product of many years of research, trial and error, the pure desire to overcome a career ending rotator cuff tear and to throw 90+mph. This approach to...