Checkout my article in the College World Series 2013 Edition for Baseball America. Post your comments below!So you are looking for the top ten pitching velocity drills to add 5-10mph to your fastball? I get dozens of calls a week from pitchers, coaches and parents who...
I have received a lot of emails about 3X Pitching. These emails are from parents, coaches and players who are just learning about this revolutionary approach to increase pitching velocity. They either want to know if 3X Pitching is rotational, linear or momentum...
Major League Scouting Bureau: 2009 Tryout camp schedule Tryout camps are open for all players over 16 years of age. There is no fee. Registration will be done 30 minutes prior to start of camp. All players must bring their own equipment. IMPORTANT: Each player must...
I hate to be so pessimistic, but the reality is the young pitchers are lazy and not held up to the standards of the past generations. Our society today is a lot more open to excepting mediocrity than hard work and achievement. The only reason competition continues to...