The most important component to enhance pitching torque in the pitching delivery is what is called, "Separation." This is the separation of the hips and shoulders at front foot strike. This is what builds pitching torque mainly in the core instead of the arm. This...
There are hundreds of tips to increase pitching velocity on the web titled something similar to this article, but most of them are worthless because they focus mainly on upper body mechanics as the means to increase pitching velocity. Any hard thrower will tell you,...
Ok, the leg lift isn't only for "Show." There is a lot of momentum that can be generated by the leg lift which transfers into velocity. The question is, "How come pitchers who have big leg lift's in the wind up, when pitching in the stretch, have a lower leg lift but...
I don't mean to mislead you with the title, Bringing Violence into the Pitching Delivery of Baseball. Some of you may have expected the first sentence to be something like, "Study proves that pitchers are more prone to violent behavior." This may be true for athletes...
Living most of my past life as a baseball pitcher, the pivotal moment in my baseball career was overcoming career-ending shoulder surgery. It changed my life and I was never the same. I spent the next five years after this major event trying everything I could to get...