*WARNING: This article is not for the novice. I am not trying to insult the novice because we all are novices in something. This is a warning to inform you that this article may be too advanced for you at this time, so I would advise you to start first by signup for...
These 5 Tips to Prevent Injury are a game changer! We all want to increase pitching velocity but not in return for a career-ending injury. The problem is we are always walking the fine line between injury and injury prevention when it comes to enhancing performance...
I know you don't want to read this article because it looks long and complicated and you want to be lazy but if you can just man up and take the next 5 minutes to read this, it will change your understanding of pitching forever! Don't kill the messenger. I know the...
There are 10 common mistakes that most of the pitchers in this game make at some point in their pitching careers which can or will lead to injury and can be avoided with some basic knowledge of science driven pitching mechanics. Let's face it, pain and injury is a...
Gravity is the force that attracts a body toward the center of the earth. An athlete must react with the ground to oppose this gravitational force to move his body, therefore better athletes build more ground reaction forces to generate more speed/power. High velocity...