by Brent Pourciau | Sep 30, 2015 | Pitching Tips
In episode four of the @Topvelocity #pitchingtips show we discuss what you have to do to reach your top velocity even when your tired. You are not going to have your best stuff every time you go out to the mound. You mechanics can be off or you might just be tired,...
by Brent Pourciau | Sep 24, 2015 | MLB Analysis
If you want to throw like a power pitcher then checkout this latest analysis. This analysis breaks down the pitching biomechanics of a low velocity and high velocity pitcher so you can learn what separates the two. If you need a program to help train and implement...
by Brent Pourciau | Jul 19, 2014 | Pitching Tips
So you pitch more like the Beauty than the Beast. I know what that feels like, I felt the same way after arm surgery. It was really depressing and I wanted to quit but I couldn't give up on my passion. That is when I decided to become the Beast. It took me...
by Brent Pourciau | May 11, 2014 | Baseball Articles
This isn't going to be your conventional article on improving arm strength for baseball. First off it has more to do with leg and core strength than arm strength but don't worry about that because when you finish this article you will know everything it takes to throw...