Frustrated with average velocity? Your tipping point to high pitching velocity could be just around the corner! We are all looking for that instant adjustment to increase pitching velocity. This can happen but it usually isn't enough. The better approach to increasing...
I am going to come clean here. I have been doing this long enough and I have sold enough programs on this site to know that 3X is the only program to legitimately increase pitching velocity. I get an email a day from pitchers telling me how amazing 3X Pitching is. I...
In baseball speed is the best way to measure an athletes ability. Speed is a critical component in all sports. Speed in baseball can be measured in throwing speed, bat speed and running speed. If you can excel at all of these facets then your value as a baseball...
If you haven't figured it out yet, you can't gain pitching velocity with a pill. Sorry to bust your bubble but it takes a lot of hard and smart work to develop it. If you are looking to gain 4-5 mph on your fastball then you must work to improve in all facets of...