My biggest pitching idol growing up was Nolan Ryan. I worshiped his Pitching Bible like it was, "The Bible." In this book he lists his everyday routines as a professional ball player, from what he ate to his strength training program. This was the first time I had...
Increasing pitching velocity is as much a mental game as it is a physical game. The mental approach to 3X pitching comes first with a high level of commitment to your success. There are only a few pitchers who are willing to make this commitment. This is why it is...
I heard a story about Roger Clemens once about pitching with your legs. It went something like this. Roger was in high school and Nolan Ryan was his favorite pitcher. He always wanted to see his rocket arm up close and personally, so one day he got a ticket to watch...
The Tim Lincecum Trap is out and I am hearing some buzz about his career going around online. I am hearing some of his critiques are making claims that Lincecum is doomed. In his defense, I would have to say that if his career is doomed then he still probably is a...