by Brent Pourciau | Dec 3, 2008 | Pitching Articles
Having your pitching video analysis completed by a professional biomechanics analyst is critical in moving up levels of the game. The effectiveness of this process is the visual aspect. We are mainly visual learners. Most people can watch someone perform an...
by Brent Pourciau | Nov 10, 2008 | Pitcher Velocity Training Articles
by Chad Englehart Many athletes today have the desire to reach a higher level of athletics. Whether it is an athlete going from Jr. High to High School, or an athlete making the transition from high school to college athletics and the big one college to professional...
by Brent Pourciau | Oct 9, 2008 | Pitching Articles
This article is for every throwing athlete out there on how to prevent shoulder surgery. I am an athlete, who overcame a career ending rotator cuff tear in college, to play baseball again and make it to minor league ball as a pitcher. I was told, I would never pitch...
by Brent Pourciau | Aug 22, 2008 | Pitching Articles
Your success as a pitcher is riding on your fastball. Having too many pitches causes too many problems. Ever pitch you throw should be based off your fastball. This is why a slider is effective. This is why a change up is deceiving. If you are in high school and your...
by Brent Pourciau | Jun 12, 2008 | Pitching Articles
So the question is does Olympic Lifting Increases Pitching Velocity? Both Olympic Lifting and Pitching Velocity are NOT on different ends of the spectrum of sports as conventional wisdom would have you believe. Specifically Olympic Weight Training and Velocity are...