by Brent Pourciau | Dec 10, 2008 | Pitching Articles
I hate to be so pessimistic, but the reality is the young pitchers are lazy and not held up to the standards of the past generations. Our society today is a lot more open to excepting mediocrity than hard work and achievement. The only reason competition continues to...
by Brent Pourciau | Dec 7, 2008 | Pitching Articles
Pitching velocity keys in a car crash? I am sure you are asking, "What does a car crash teach us about pitching velocity?" It actually teaches us pitchers everything we need to know to truly understand how pitchers generate top velocity. The reason for the correlation...
by Brent Pourciau | Nov 26, 2008 | Pitching Articles
It is almost December, so this is your last chance for to get Bigger, Stronger, Faster before the season begins. For all those college pitchers and ball players getting ready for the season, don't be that guy who walks into spring with the Thanksgiving, Christmas...
by Brent Pourciau | Nov 10, 2008 | Pitcher Velocity Training Articles
by Chad Englehart Many athletes today have the desire to reach a higher level of athletics. Whether it is an athlete going from Jr. High to High School, or an athlete making the transition from high school to college athletics and the big one college to professional...
by Brent Pourciau | Oct 15, 2008 | References
Dr. Andrews is Mr. Fixit when it comes to the elite athlete. He has poineered the sports medicine industry. He has worked on the likes of Michael Jordan, Jack Nicklaus, Drew Brees, Roger Clemens, Bo Jackson, and pretty much any other famous athlete you can think of...