Elbow Injuries in the Throwing Athlete

Elbow Injuries in the Throwing Athlete

Elbow injuries from overhand throwing can be very serious and lead to long-term problems if not treated properly. These injuries can occur gradually over time as a result of the repeated stresses of throwing. They are most commonly seen in pitchers, but any athlete...
Stability and Pitching Mechanics

Stability and Pitching Mechanics

Stability and Pitching Mechanics involve the coordinated movement of various body parts, starting from the lower extremities and ending with the release of the ball. This intricate process demands precise timing and alignment, with each phase of the pitching motion...
Hitting Biomechanics: Increase Exit Velocity

Hitting Biomechanics: Increase Exit Velocity

Are you searching to learn more about Hitting Biomechanics? Then this is the article for you! Defining Exit Velocity: Hitting Biomechanics Exit velocity (EV) refers to the speed at which a baseball leaves the bat immediately after a batter makes contact. This metric...
Going From 77mph To 90mph: The Christian Ash Story

Going From 77mph To 90mph: The Christian Ash Story

Christian Ash’s journey going From 77mph To 90mph is a story of perseverance, hard work, and the right training program. In this article, we will explore the detailed steps and strategies that transformed Christian’s pitching velocity and athletic performance. This...
Medicine Balls for Baseball: Increasing Velocity

Medicine Balls for Baseball: Increasing Velocity

Medicine Balls for Baseball are a staple in baseball training, offering unique benefits that enhance performance, strength, and overall athleticism. These versatile tools are invaluable for players of all levels, from beginners to professionals, providing a dynamic...
Coaching Hitting Mechanics: GFT Hitting Program

Coaching Hitting Mechanics: GFT Hitting Program

Coaching Hitting Mechanics play a crucial role in a player's ability to consistently make powerful and accurate contact with the ball. Understanding and mastering these mechanics can mean the difference between an average hitter and an elite one. Good mechanics...
FREE 6 Week Speed & Agility Program

FREE 6 Week Speed & Agility Program

Are you searching for a FREE 6 Week Speed & Agility Program? Here it is! Speed and agility are crucial components in baseball, impacting everything from stealing bases to fielding ground balls. Players who excel in these areas often have a significant advantage...